hit it with a brick

I'm not sure where you are from but here in the SE USA opossums take full grown chickens very regularly. I have been raising chickens for over 35 yeaers and I couldn't count how many I lost to opossums when I allowed them to free range and roost in the barn unprotected. Once they find your birds they will return over and over until you have nothing left but feathers and chicken parts.

I promise you; if you allow opossums entry into your coop they are going to eat more than eggs and veggies!
haha I actually do have a habit of using bricks as defense against critters- a few years back a raccoon attacked me when I tried to chase it off- jumped out of a tree at me, so I hit it with a brick. It survived, and I felt bad- but it scared me, it was very determined to bite me. Brick thrower for life i guess
You'll be safe as long as you don't jump out at me suddenly...
I caught a big possum in my coop about a year ago. It had killed one hen and maimed a couple others. I killed it with the maglite I was carrying.
Another big male possum showed up this past summer. I left it alone until I caught it trying to dig into the coop. I whacked it across the back with my flashlight and ran it off but it was back two nights later. I didn't give it another chance.

So throwing a brick at it was a good idea. Unfortunately, they're very tough and not very bright, so it will probably be back.
Bingo. Get a Hav-A-Hart trap, look at some of the videos on YouTube about catching pests with 'em, and work out how you're going to dispose of the pest. Me, I put it down with a .22 rifle and bury under a tree. Some people drive the pest far away and release, but it's a cop-out and may be illegal. I'm thinking there may be some program, where you can drop off the critter at the animal shelter, say it was a pet but you don't want it any more, or something, if you're not up to doing the killing yourself. There's plenty to read and view out there about dealing with possums, coons, and rats.
Well to be honest with you...Opossums are tough animals and you probably not kill it. It might come back never sure....but they will kill chickens and unlike someone else's comment...they are not after the eggs, they are after the chicken it self..I have lost many of chickens to Opossums growing up. Beware!!
Caught a possum in one of the coops last year, pulling hens off the roost and trying to kill each one. One would get away, so it would grab another one. I finally shot it. And then spent several weeks tending the wounded, who mostly had holes in their wings.

Warning: Use a brick, firing a .38 in a coop will leave your ears permanantly ringing.

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