Hiya BYC Peoples, Newbies Here. Care to give tips?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
My name is Katie, and I'm new here on BYC!
I am 18 and my mother and I are very interested in raising chickens. We have both done hours of research on them and how to care for them.
We're just getting ready to make our first step, but don't quite know how.
Any tips?

I don't really know what else to say, other than I am super excited for chickens!!
Wishing you all plenty of chicken cuddles.

Welcome to BYC!

You are going to LOVE keeping chickens! They are so much fun, they can be affectionate and are very entertaining as well. Good for the heart and soul.

Stop by our learning center here on BYC. Lots of good reads on getting started, building the coop, raising the babies, and taking care of your adult flock...


Stop by our coops pages too for some great ideas on coops....


And you might also take a look at these 2 breeds pages. Lots of quick fun facts about the different breeds that may help you pick ones that you are interested in...



Enjoy this new journey you are on!! If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! TwoCrows has you covered with some great links, good luck getting started, you'll love having chickens!
Unfortunately no, the HOA where I currently live doesn't allow chickens. They say it's because of the noise, but my neighbors yappy little yorkie is at least 5x more annoying than a chicken. My mother and I have been looking for land (Not in a HOA preferably haha) available in Pennsylvania lately.

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