Holding Chickens Contest!!!!

Breed- silkie
age- about 5 weeks, not sure
name- none yet, any suggestions?

Breed: RIR
Age: Not sure, right before he turned evil?
Name: Dunno
Story: I'm not saying who that little girl is!!
I can tell you the girl was the only one who went swimming, and the rooster got grabbed after.

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Breed[/URL]: RIR
Age: I think she's 9 months old
Name: Chickie
Story: Well we got her when she was a week old, and she grew up. A couple months ago we sold her because she was not show quality, and that's what we really want to do is show. She went to a nice lady that has an awesome place for Chickie and her 2 friends, and they get taken care of really well. When we had Chickie, she was the boss of everyone, including the roosters!
Breed: Easter Egger
Age: 1 week
Name: Dotty
Story: All of our babies get rocked to sleep by my daughter!


Breed: Buff Orpingtons
Age: 3 weeks
Names: Cinderella, Patty, Emily, Tasha, Moody, Pearl and Buffy
Story: My daughter was sitting out int he grass watching the babies on their first outing, they all decided they wanted some of Momma's treats!

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