Holy cow! My coop is hosed! Snowstorm related....

How can you or your chickens tolerate that?? I grew up in Michigan, & LEFT as soon as I was old enough to be on my own.
I have no use for snow-Santa can have my share. That "lake effect" weather is NASTY!
(and I'm saying it nicely)
My Goodness! Ole Man Winter surely visited your coop. Glad you figure out the chicken dilemma in that weather. Sure it was no fun though being out in that. We're next! We are under a Winter Storm Warning until 4PM tomorrow (Thursday). Supposed to start getting snow, sleet tonight. They say maybe 5 inches. We just got over a snow storm, but I don't like the ice being put in the mix (no pun intended). In 2008, they had an ice storm here and power was out for a lot of people for weeks. Keep your finger crossed. I have eggies in the Bators.
I know some of you BYC folks are getting pounded by snow but this morning NM @ 7000 ft was blessed with a light snow after a few days of Red Flag fire warnings. It's been unseasonably warm so far this la Nina winter.
Hang in there everyone,
It is cold here in NC right now, but when I saw the pictures of your coop I felt so bad for everyone here that has to deal with such tough winters. I shivered just looking at those pics!

I will keep you in my prayers! Bunny

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