Holy cow! My coop is hosed! Snowstorm related....

Chicken.Lytle :

This is why I no longer live up by the Arctic Circle.

For the geographically impaired, the Arctic Circle is a little south of Dallas TX.

I agree!!! Give me a good ol' hurricane any day over tons of snow!!
Thanks for the dryer tip!

I have been nervous to plug it in until it was completely dry. I plugged it in today and it's working fine!
I am in north central IL.
That came in the one small vent I had open. I'm going to put some louvers on the vents from now on.
I am in north central IL.
That came in the one small vent I had open. I'm going to put some louvers on the vents from now on.

Hi Bearsfan,

I think the real problem was leaving the ramp open.

BTW, how is the flock doing and where are they now?

How's egg production??

They are still in the makeshift coop in the garage. They are tolerating it alright. I think because it has been so cold they are getting along with less room.

They all but stopped laying. Which is fine, our EE that doesn't get along with anyone else has been laying pretty much every day. She has been in her own little coop for a long time and I put her coop in the garage at the start of winter. The rest of the birds have stopped though.
OK. They are back outside!

That was really lame breaking up all of that frozen bedding. I had to get in there and scrape a lot of it out with a putty knife, but it's clean now!

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