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I just ordered some Duckweed to plant in our pond. Oh wait, I don't have a pond. I guess my wife is going to jump with joy when I tell her that I'm going to build her a pond to put $12 worth of plants in it for the chickens. LOL
Finally got my last seed order in today. This one has the herbs for worming and pesticide, and soapwart just b/c it sounded cool, using a plant for soap. The plants that I got that have natural pesticidal properties I am going to make a fermented plant juice out of and use as a spray, that is unless the chickens do their jobs this year. I'll have to do a little more research on the herbs w/ worming properties and see if I am just going to offer the plants free choice for the chickens to eat, that was my idea at first, just need to read up and make sure that is still the plan.
I just ordered some Duckweed to plant in our pond. Oh wait, I don't have a pond. I guess my wife is going to jump with joy when I tell her that I'm going to build her a pond to put $12 worth of plants in it for the chickens. LOL

I am definitely in the wrong business. I would have shipped you some duckweed (Lemna spp.) just for the cost of postage.

Can I interest you in some string alga?
I just ordered some giant duckweed (spirodela polyrrhiza L. ~ giant duckweed, great duckweed, duckmeat). Now I'm wondering if I should have gotten common duckweed (Lemna minor L. ~ lesser duckweed, common duckweed). Hoping I did the right thing or I'll be ordering more. I just figured the larger duckweed would be easier to handle.

I called everywhere locally (pet stores, garden nurseries, etc.) no one had it.

I am planning to set up a small indoor aquarium to grow it in. I actually have 2 aquariums, hmmm, maybe I should just go ahead and order the common duckweed right now too!

I also started a dubia colony to supply insects for them in the winter. I actually got the dubia before I even got my first chickens! LOL
I just ordered some giant duckweed (spirodela polyrrhiza L. ~ giant duckweed, great duckweed, duckmeat). Now I'm wondering if I should have gotten common duckweed (Lemna minor L. ~ lesser duckweed, common duckweed). Hoping I did the right thing or I'll be ordering more. I just figured the larger duckweed would be easier to handle.

I called everywhere locally (pet stores, garden nurseries, etc.) no one had it.

I am planning to set up a small indoor aquarium to grow it in. I actually have 2 aquariums, hmmm, maybe I should just go ahead and order the common duckweed right now too!

I also started a dubia colony to supply insects for them in the winter. I actually got the dubia before I even got my first chickens! LOL
Both are rather difficult to "handle". They are about the same size, 2-5mm and commonly found together so you might get both. When you pick them up with your hand or net, they tend to stick unless you swish them around to break surface tension / capillary action that makes them stick to you. Not a big deal really because they propagate rapidly with warm temps and good light.

I'm rather surprised that you found a place to order it from. Where did you get it?
Thanks for the info RaZ!

I ordered it from a seller on eBay.

Several sellers offer common duckweed. I only found one seller that was currently offering giant duckweed.
My giant duckweed arrived today! It will need to multiply before I have enough to feed. But it is supposed to double approximately every 48 hours so hopefully we'll have lots of green food for the girls next winter.


Yes, it came in a zip lock baggie. A 1/2 cup of duckweed with about a 1/4 cup of water.

I have another 10 gallon aquarium. I think I will set it up for common duckweed. And I've had a preformed pond liner stored in the barn for a couple years and was just thinking I should give it away, when WAIT.... a Pond for the Duckweed! LOL
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