Home Grown Ginger

Im such a nut LOL! Thanks for the vid. Lots of cool varieties you have
My store bought ginger rhizome just came up about a week ago. I have a greenhouse setup in my garage. The ginger is growing alongside my hydroponic tomatoes.

What is the temp in your garage? I realized that planting right now may not be the best thing to do as it is about 55-60 in our house and maybe too cool , or just right. IDK?

LOVE the photos FLGardenGIrl-- my mother was a gardener and we spent hours together in the garden and the kitchen. THe BOston Garden SHow is soon-- haven't been since the kids were little and liked to touch everything which made for a miserable experience for all of us. They are old enough now to manage I think. I can look for HOURS at plants!!

Now I have a new meaning for EE.
Im such a nut LOL! Thanks for the vid. Lots of cool varieties you have
Not a hard mistake to make. Some of the brugmansia leaves are variegated and can get really huge lol.

Arielle: The Boston show sounds like it would be really fun! It can be tedious when the kids are small and have the attention spans of gnats lol. Some of my older kids still aren't crazy about being dragged around to look at plants. They like animals/zoos etc better. My oldest son is really the only one of our 3 kids that has shown any interest in gardening. I think its because he likes to cook so he likes to grow vegetables, especially hot chili peppers. He makes an awesome spicy orange chicken dish!

I think I got my gardening bug from my grandmother. She has the greatest roses. She is in her 90's and lives alone and still gardens, drives, and is very active. My grandfather always dumped his coffeee grounds onto her roses a few times a day and they flourished. She also started me on chickens when I was 5 when I took over her flock of leghorns.

I had thought that about the EE abbreviation also LOL!!!
I've made progress. I picked up a new put and saucer for the ginger. DH was tasked with buying the potting soil today. Not much choice for a potting soil. I"m a little worried it will be too heavy, Just not sure how to get perlite or sand to alter the composition .
Next question-- I was looking at the ginger roost and realized there must be a top and bottom, making placement important. Any suggestions on determining the top ?

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