Home-grown Meatbird ideas.....


12 Years
Mar 4, 2007
I was just sitting around today thinking about what two birds would I think of crossing to maybe create a good MEAT BIRD. I know the first cross probably wouldnt give me a winner but these are all the different crosses I wouldnt mind expirementing with in the future.


Easter Egger x Sexlink
Dark Cornish x Sexlink
Delaware x Dark Cornish
Orpington x Sexlink
Orpington x Brahma


Silver Appleyard x Pekin
Muscovy x Pekin


White Holland x Standard Bronze


White Embden x Chinese

From personal experience, the easter egger and sex link is not a bad table bird. Real juicy after being cooked as a whole bird on the grill for a little over an hour. We have cross bred boys all over the place, and we raise them for dinner. I haven't had the pleasure of the others you listed, but the barred rock/RIR cross isn't a bad dinner either.
So it is possible to breed using the Freedom rangers from JM?
Thanks grey!
I also forgot about...

Buff Cornish
White Laced Red Cornish

I will have to think of crosses for those too. Im thinking...

Cornish x Sexlink
Cornish x Delware

Will be the better birds. Possibly even the Brahma. Im not expecting AMAZING birds but I really enjoy making something out of nothing!

Your homegrown crossbreeds will grow far better than any purebred will for meat. I do it, I eat them. But I don't sell them. The body shape just isn't quite right.
im going to try white leghorn, white rocks adn white leghorn/ white cornish. Maybe some white leghorn pullets to WLR cornish bantam for small meat birds to eat as cornish type hens. The other day I butchered two 16 week old pullets, one barred rock and one Black sexlink. They were no where near as broad breasted as I would like. I think they would have done best as whole birds. I skinned them and cut them into serving peices and put the legs, wings, and thighs in chicken and rice. I can wait til my cornish X rocks get of age. I want some big breast, these heavy breeds take forever to mature! best as eggers for sure. My Americauna's seem way to slender to be a good meat bird at 18 weeks now but they do get big, just takes a while.
I think I will stick with the following crosses....


Cornish x Deleware
Cornish x Sexlink
Cornish x Rock
Cornish x Brahma
Cornish x Orpington


Muscovy x Pekin
Rouen x Pekin


White Holland x Bourbon Red


White Embden x Tolouse

Those will all be crosses I plan to tinker with in the future.

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