Home made incubator, roughly $12


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 28, 2010
I have been pouring over web sites drooling over incubators wishing I had the money to get some of that stuff. Well I grew up making things work rather than buying them and ya know the old saying if ya want something bad enough you'll make it happen. I also did some thinking and old time farmers probably didn't have such things they more than likely worked with what they had, so I rummaged around the house and the shed and come up with what I think will work. I would love some input on this seeing I have never hatched an egg yet, I actually just plugged the thing in a few minutes ago. So with out further adieu here it is:

I put a dimmer switch on top so I can regulate the heat

I found (at walmart) a neat little thermometer/humidity combo

So here is how I came up with my $$$ figure

Bread box - had it
Old lamp for light - had it
Old picture frame for window - had it
Dimmer switch $4.50
plastic dimmer case $0.50
bread pan for water $1.00
Humidity/temp combo $5.00
(4) 75 watt bulbs $1.00

pros cons? please help out I figure i might have to move something or try something this is my first one. Thanks ahead of time!!
i am a master of making incubators. B ut i commend you with all my oudacity i never would have thunk this. I hoope its functional. Its awesome. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now all you need to do is throw some eggs in there.
I like your DIY project, I also like making things instead of buying them. I would recommend that you check temp gauge...I got 1 from wal-mart that look just like that and reads 2 degrees high! found it out the hard way, I had four gauges going at 1 time and they all read different temps ( 2 digital and 2 mercury ). I ended up taking them to work and bouncing them against a fluke multimeter with temperature probe. Good luck!
@ bahamas Thanks!!! Once I find the sweet spot on the dimmer where the temp is where it should be I sure will. I have been watching my roo and seeing which hens he's been with.

@ Dirty_South_Chickens Thanks, and also for the info about the degrees I do believe I'll get a few more, been thinking about adding a computer fan today i think i have one around here

@ wpalmisano Thanks!! I have thought about it actually lol

@ aprophet Good idea you should try that!!

@ Cowgirlgrace Thanks for that!! Now with the holes does the temp still need to stay the same as well?

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