Home made pasta....

I would try freezing it. I tried drying some and keeping it in the cupboard and it ended up molding, I imagine from the eggs and oil. Allrecipes.com says it can be stored in the fridge for 4 days or frozen for 1 month. To freeze it, dry it until it no longer sticks together, then freeze in airtight containers.
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thanks ChickenToes. Eggs and pasta tonite.
I just started making egg noodles, a few weeks back. Very simple....I think, proper kneading of the dough is most important...Also, rolling it thin enough, so that it doesn't take 1/2 hr. to cook, even though, the thick noodles really hold up, in a large pot of soup, which will be eaten, for several days.
I won't go back to store bought pasta.

I dry mine, in the dehydrator, at about 120, for an hour or so.
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