Homemade flock block recipes

OOh.. baked eggshells would be a GOOD idea to put in my flock block next time... extra calcium...
Oh, you are welcome! I"ve never made a flock block and my kidders need soemthing to occupy their time so they aren't always trying to sit on my shoulder or back. I"ve gotten lots of ideas from you all. This is my first year with a flock and I love it. Off to the store to pick up "groceries" !

You know, this might be a great way to feed the birds at the shows and transporting to and from.

Maybe make them in the tartlet/mini muffin pan for single servings--pop it into the transport cage and let them go at it. That way I would only have to haul containers for water.....Hmmmmmm
Tried this last night! WORKS GREAT
I plan on getting mini bundt cake pans and making some as treats for my pot bellied pig and bunny!
TSC had Flock Blocks on sale last month, and it's been waiting in my garage for me to figure out how to give it to the girls. I'm thinking of suspending it from the under-the-deck rafters (2nd floor deck, lots of room under it) and putting the block in a heavy onion sack. The holes are big enough for the girls to peck the block and they won't perch on it if it's hanging on a rope in a bag.
Wish they came with a pre-drilled hole, though.
Me too. Mine is just in a feed pan for now. I wanted to see how long it would last before I made any effort to hang it. They love it and it's not going down very fast. DH said he'd drill it then pass a dowl rod through it. He's so smart...
i just found this thread and made some for the flock for Christmas morning- we'll see how they like it- i mixed BOSS, scratch, cream of wheat, oatmeal, moistened bread and baked it at 350 for about 2 hours- my blue jay is happily pounding on a piece of it....

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