Homemade flock block recipes

Can the flock block be given to peeps that are between 2-4 weeks? The eat their medicated crumbles and an occassional cricket when we buy them, but i would like to make a flock block for them. They also get grit already becasue i have a sand box in the brooder for them to dust bathe in.
I would probably make them "chick sized" too...instead of a regular size muffin tin, maybe use a mini muffin pan as the "mold"...that way you can give them a small amount of treat and they won't fill up on it.
Can you use unflavored gelatin for the binder in the homemade flock block? I have small girls-10 weeks and only 4. I am interested in making something for them for their run. I have made homemade wild bird feed blocks with the gelatin before and they worked well so wondered if it was ok for chickens?
i'm by no means an expert, but i read this whole thread and i think i remember reading back towards the begining that was ok to use because no sugar...but u might want to read back thru the thread to make sure!
"I would probably make them "chick sized" too...instead of a regular size muffin tin, maybe use a mini muffin pan as the "mold"...that way you can give them a small amount of treat and they won't fill up on it."

So wait - now we are not only making flock blocks and crock pot flock blocks but chicken muffins, too!?

We are sooooooooooooo normal.

Way more normal than those people trying to breed nekkid chickens.

I have a semi-nekkid chicken out there right now that I am trying my darndest to get feathers to grow on again, if his girls would stop pecking them out...they must need a flock block to peck on instead of poor Freddy. I'm gonna make one now.

deb g
Yep, mine's in the oven too. I'll let ya know about mine even if it is a disaster! Just please don't tell my SO I'm baking for my chickens. He already thinks I need professional help for my chook obsession.

OK, I made my "flock block". I put whatever I had in it...some scratch mix, sunflower seeds, flax seed, oatmeal, a bit of molasses and peanut butter, crumbled up some leftover hamburger bun for the bread, then added enough water so it all held together, pressed it into a pan and microwaved it for about seven minutes and let it cool.


They were especially bummed today because after a week of beautiful weather it has been drizzling all day, so they were glad to have something interesting to do. (besides pick my rooster bald, which is what they had been doing)

deb g

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