Homemade Incubator Lights?


7 Years
Nov 21, 2012
So I have 3 types of homemade incubators, which type of bulb should I use I was thinking a heat lamp bulb possible the red ones but my teacher insist I should use a 60 watt regular household light bulb. Would that work? Would it be to bright? What should I do?
You could get a red or blue one. Pet stores carry them.
60 watts should be good if it is insulated well enough. I think Little Giant heat elements are only 40 watts.
We just made a cooler bator and had a 100% hatch on local eggs, the first hatch in it too! We use regular bulbs.... All the info is saved in an article, sorry its sorta chaotic as I didnt clean it up and was throwing stuff as we were making it and hatching in it.... https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/incubator-incubator

you can see here that we use a WAFER thermostat between TWO, yes 2 bulbs, just in case one blows, you WONT LOOSE YOUR HATCH!!


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