Homemade Incubator - Temperature/Thermostat Problems!


10 Years
Jun 28, 2011
Grandview (SKC), MO
We set up our incubator last night (you can see some pics on my BYC page, nothing fancy. What you won't see there is the 12v computer fan we hooked up in there today for even air flow.)) and today I realize we're having a problem.

The water heater thermostat is turning off at 105 degrees (I just need to set it lower so it goes off at 101) but then it doesn't come back on until 90 degrees. That's too much of a difference. So we're still experimenting. I'm wondering if a cooler light bulb would produce different results? But I'm doubting it. I think it has something to do with the water heater thermometer. It doesn't have two little setting arrows. Just one.

Any homemade incubatorers out there who can suggest some solutions?

We're in testing mode, eggs come this week.
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i have a great solution for you
and here is the best one yet... i did this to mine before this video came up on youtube, and i guess the word about it has gotten around, i am assuming you have a water heater thermostat here is the best part,
yep and the REAL thermostats cost about 6 times as much as a water heater thermostat.....,,, and a water heater thermostat can be made to work just as good
Mine is directly above my 60 watt light bulb... about 2-3" above it. I cut a straw into roughly 3/4" sections and used them as spacers to hold the thermostat off the wall of the incubator. Mine works great and I'm hatching like crazy. My temps stay within 3-4 degrees. I've had no problems with mine.
here's a pic

My thermostat is clear on the other side of the incubator. My thinking was, it needs to not be sitting near the light, would give an inaccurate reading. The eggs will be over on that side I'm thinking. I"ll move it around and see if it makes a difference. At least I haven't screwed it down yet and can move it easily. Right now its shutting off at 101 and turning on at 87.
I think the trick is the location of the thermostat to the light bulb. Experiment by moving them closer together. ( I made hubby move ours until it was right. yes, he had to make new holes.)
Okay, moved the thermostat about 6" from the lamp for the last 1/2 hour. Now the light goes off at 98 ... and goes back on at 86. Doesn't seem a big change. Don't know what is going on...

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