Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Okay, I made my third batch of yogurt early this am, I am talking like 1:30 in the morning. So this morning at 9:30 when I checked it, it hadn't set yet. It was still liquid. The cooler was still warm, and I had noticed that my son's girlfriend had wrapped my jar with the boiling water in it completely up. So, I unwrapped it like I did for the first to, and when I came home just a few minutes ago, I noticed that it has set. My question is that it sat in the cooler for a total of 19 hours. I put it in the fridge. Is this batch going to make us sick if we eat it? Only because it sat for so long in the cooler 1: without firming up after 7 hours and 2: because it sat in the cooler for 19 hours?
It should be fine. You can let it go 24 - 36 hours if you want it closer to sour cream.

Creme Fraishe is milk left to sour on the counter top 24 hours.

When milk 'goes bad' it is not 'bad' you can still make cheese with it or bake bread.

We have to relearn the true nature of milk and what can be done with it. WE have become a nation to accustomed to throwing out the milk due to the date on the label.
Thanks MissP. I was so worried, because I really like this yogurt. I made plain the first time, banana cream yesterday and cheescake last night. The banana cream is different. I think I like my plain better though. I will check out the cheesecake in a few.
So, I have a yogurt maker and the few times I have tried I have been less than happy. It's all Alton Brown's fault to begin with, but as much as he dislikes unitaskers, I couldn't get his method to work at all so I got the machine. Everything has been far too runny for my tastes, and I did add powdered milk. So tonight I went to the store and got some quart jars, I happen to have some plain yogurt in the fridge already so the plan is to give it a go tomorrow. I noticed tonight all the organic milk I usually buy is ultra pasteurized. So I bought another brand, it's not organic but it's made 5 miles from my house, so that's something at least. There is a dairy in the area that does milk to the minimum pasteurization aloud by law, so I need to find out where I can get their milk again. So I am hoping with new milk and different starter and new method I can get this stuff to work. Fingers crossed. Then I want to make cheese!
I click on your "yogurt" link on the first page in blue and it won't take me anywhere it just refreshes the page:rolleyes: not sure why but what is the recipe to make yogurt. I will try if I know for sure what it is.

Thank you!
Sune, ultra pasteurization gives milk a very long shelf life but everything in it is dead. The super heating changes the protein molecules and you can't do anything with it. You can't make yogurt, kefir, cheese, etc. Your new milk should work beautifully.
Just to double check, UP milk has to say it's UP on it, right? I phoned the dairy to ask on their practices, but they didn't get back to me today, it was pretty late when I called. I just hate wasting milk when it doesn't work.
Ultra pasteurized will be marked on the label.

You won't waste milk if you follow the instructions and use live culture yogurt for your starter.

If your milk is straight from a dairy I highly doubt it is UP.
Well I didn't get it directly from the dairy, it's just local. Makes me feel a little better since it's not organic. They pledge no hormones though. Any case, I am jotting down the instructions now. Should have an update tomorrow. Thanks for the advice and recipe Miss Prissy.

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