Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

I got my cheese kit, I'm so excited!

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Ok, how's this for a first post on a chicken forum? LOL

Hello Everyone!And hello MissPrissy! Just thought I should bump this neverending thread up by letting you know I have my very first batch ever of yogurt in the cooler/incubator as I type
I have been wanting to do my own yogurt and cheeses for some time, just hadnt gotten up the nerve or the time to do them. Then I came to the BYC forum because we got our first bunch of chickens this spring (24) and had a few newbie questions and now that I am registered I can go find the right place to post them when I get a few minutes.... time is a premium these days with the huge garden we put in and the new chicks we're raising and starting homeschooling and... well you all know how it goes I'm sure

Then the other day I did an online search for yogurt recipes and look what showed up! LOL It took me over 3 days to read through this entire thread
but it gave me the nerve to finally try yogurt. I'll report back when I know how it goes. Then it's on to cheese! I can hardly wait!

Tammy -


I'm glad you found us! All of the things that you're interested in fit right in here at BYC. Our sub-theme should be "We're more than chickens" but, well, we're also all about chickens.

If you haven't yet done so, you might also enjoy our sister site, The Easy Garden (link up at the top of the page).

Can't wait to hear about your yogurt!
Welcome Tammy!

What a fantastic thread for your first post!!

I've made MissPrissy's yogurt twice now, will be making more today. It is absolutely fabulous!

I came across this thread last night at about 11pm. By midnight the mix was in the cooler. I told my wife this morning what was in there and she said "Oh, I dont think I can eat that." I tried it and was amazed so she had a bite...now shes hooked. In two hours we ate a half a quart. The two kids look like two little birds waiting for the spoon to hit thier mouths. The drizzle of honey makes it awsome.

I added 1/3 cup sugar.

Its almost too good for the chickens. Not to mention it will never last long enough. I will never buy yogurt again...unless its to use as a culture for my own batch.
I just finished reading this thread and I can't wait to try this out!
I eat a lot of plain yogurt and kefir, I never realized it was so easy to make this at home.
Question, could I use kefir as a starter?
If you have the kefir grains you can make kefir. I just got my kefir grains this week and am starting to grow them.

You can't make kefir or yogurt without the live starter.

Commercial packaged kefir drinks are a product of a live food. It doesn't have the kefir grains in it.

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