Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

AAAAAHHHHHH school is starting.... I am not really ready!
It will be ok, they are young and FAR FAR ahead of their peers. BREATHE......

My room is not ready really..... it is ok but not done. Piano is not hooked up, computer is not ready, I AM NOT READY. OK, this is just 90 days of required school, I can do this......

On a good note.... I signed the kids up for a free trial of Reading Eggs. It is a month for one child and 14 days for 2. Hubby really liked it and so did the kids. We may sign up for that if they continue to have interest in it..... we know how that can go but I like it better than ABC Mouse, but that covers more stuff. Reading Eggs is just reading and some math. ABC Mouse has some science and crafts, puzzles.... music. They have use of ABC Mouse till middle of next year.

How is everyone doing?
OK, this is just 90 days of required school, I can do this...... :th
How is everyone doing? 

This is one of the few good things about living in Illinois after they utterly lost their attempt to stop home schooling in People v. Levisen 1950...

The blunt of it, there are only two rules that I must follow, I must teach in English and I must teach the same minimum subject matter that corresponds to the age/grade aka language arts; mathematics; biological and physical sciences; social sciences; fine arts; and physical development and health...

There is no paperwork I must file, no mandated attendance, no mandated curriculum, no mandated schedule and no mandated testing... Basically I'm free to do whatever I want when I want and how I want...

When I feel they have completed High School I can print them up a legal diploma by myself, as home schools are deemed private schools in Illinois, thanks to the above court case :)

I can, if I choose file paperwork with the State indicating my intent to home school, but it's not mandated, it's just used for data collection and statistics and possibly could avoid a truancy officer visit, but it's not mandated or required...
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First day of school today. It went OK. Two of my high school students are also working this year so that will be new. One of the twins has definite learning issues and I need to go on with the other one. This is hard for me as she is also becoming aware that she is having a harder time.
AAAAAHHHHHH school is starting.... I am not really ready!
It will be ok, they are young and FAR FAR ahead of their peers. BREATHE......

My room is not ready really..... it is ok but not done. Piano is not hooked up, computer is not ready, I AM NOT READY. OK, this is just 90 days of required school, I can do this......

On a good note.... I signed the kids up for a free trial of Reading Eggs. It is a month for one child and 14 days for 2. Hubby really liked it and so did the kids. We may sign up for that if they continue to have interest in it..... we know how that can go but I like it better than ABC Mouse, but that covers more stuff. Reading Eggs is just reading and some math. ABC Mouse has some science and crafts, puzzles.... music. They have use of ABC Mouse till middle of next year.

How is everyone doing?
Today is our first day of school!! Not feeling 100% prepared, but I've got enough to get us going. Pulled the kids out of our umbrella program and am doing everything solo. Had to create and submit our curriculum and intent to our district last week, and I've been prepping/gathering/printing and compiling like a mad woman for a solid week lol. We are better off this way though, as the umbrella program mandated I sit my 5 and 6 year old in front of 2 separate computers for 4 hours a day to be instructed by a remote teacher. Apparently our umbrella program scored so low in Pennsylvania that they made it a requirement for all children enrolled, regardless of my daughter finishing early and with A's last year. I'dve been better off putting them in public school vs a remote classroom that has ONE teacher to 50 cyber students. So we pulled out. Last minute, as more requirements became clear right before the start of classes, but c'est la vie! It's actually exciting to have this opportunity.
This is one of the few good things about living in Illinois after they utterly lost their attempt to stop home schooling in People v. Levisen 1950...

The blunt of it, there are only two rules that I must follow, I must teach in English and I must teach the same minimum subject matter that corresponds to the age/grade aka language arts; mathematics; biological and physical sciences; social sciences; fine arts; and physical development and health...

There is no paperwork I must file, no mandated attendance, no mandated curriculum, no mandated schedule and no mandated testing... Basically I'm free to do whatever I want when I want and how I want...

When I feel they have completed High School I can print them up a legal diploma by myself, as home schools are deemed private schools in Illinois, thanks to the above court case

I can, if I choose file paperwork with the State indicating my intent to home school, but it's not mandated, it's just used for data collection and statistics and possibly could avoid a truancy officer visit, but it's not mandated or required...
That's awesome! Pennsylvania requires 180 days of attendance and its the same about the subject matter. At the end of each year (June 30) I have to submit a portfolio of their work, my lesson plans, and they must sit through an evaluation to prove that they learned what is shown in their portfolios. Prior to starting, I have to submit a statement of intent and an outline of my curriculum---and it has to be notarized

First day of school today. It went OK. Two of my high school students are also working this year so that will be new. One of the twins has definite learning issues and I need to go on with the other one. This is hard for me as she is also becoming aware that she is having a harder time.
Glad you had a good first day. :) Mine is today. Good luck with figuring out what works for your twins. Are they the ones in high school?
The twins are in elementary school. I am trying to juggle my time and am checking if everyone got a manageable load. All their programs are starting up again too. That is always a mixed blessing as it makes life more hectic but also enriches it.
That's awesome! Pennsylvania requires 180 days of attendance and its the same about the subject matter. At the end of each year (June 30) I have to submit a portfolio of their work, my lesson plans, and they must sit through an evaluation to prove that they learned what is shown in their portfolios. Prior to starting, I have to submit a statement of intent and an outline of my curriculum---and it has to be notarized :p

What a hassle, so glad the Illinois Supreme Court smacked around the State when they got feisty about home schooling and the State has kept their distance since then...
In TN I just have to report grades and attendance.... that is it under an umbrella. I don't have to match the schools in anyway. I totally get to teach them what I want or they want. 180 days a calendar year at 4 hrs a day..... that is it. No paper work no submitting my curricula to anyone.

First day was today for us too! 1 down, 59 to go till the first of the year.
I have a question about supplemental homeschooling. Both of my parents worked to make ends meet so homeschooling was not an option. I had a lot of problems in school, so my parents supplemented my education during their free time. Before my sister and I reached kindergarten we had already been taught to read, Is pent weekends and summers going over educational things by my mom. So the question is, has anyone here done this? Supplemented what the school did not do? I am considering doing the same for my own children, if and when i have children. It seems like a good way to be flexible with time when free time is so limited in our lives, while keeping an eye on the education of one's children.

This is what I am currently doing. As another poster said, learning is everywhere. I personally make time for my kids and hang out with other families that also value such learning opportunities. Meaning we take time to help our children learn. ANd take them places to learn more, or take the time to explain, or fill in information they do not know yet.

This past Monday was the last day for the Magna Carter in our area. DH didn't think it was worth going and I put my foot down; he already mixed an opportunity to meet Jane GOodall in person and I was NOT letting his ho-hum thinking get in the way this time. So for the cost of gas, tolls, and an adult admission, we waited an hour and a quarter in line to see this "boring" paper, lol; my son's evaluation of the plain document. In Latin too, so less interesting. It should have been the culmination of studying a document that was the basis for the English BIll of RIghts and the American constitution as well, of which a copy was also on display. This was more interesting as the kids could actually read the words !! Never the less, it is a jumping off point for future conversations about American History and how what happens today depends on what our forefathers started. Change is slow . . very slow.

My kids do not have spelling so I will continue with the Shostak books and for grades 6 and above.

Stone Soup is a fun book for small children and then make the soup! Cooking in the kitchen is great for fractions and understanding measurements. Even if it is brownies!! We have made many batches of brownies-- the first time was standing on a chair and dumping in the ingredients that I had measured out and stirring. About all a 3 and 4 year old could do; today they read the recipes and multiply the recipe if needed.

My youngest would still like to see BLue Man Group. Music is educational too. Blue Man group would be a bit of a change after seeing Lion King the musical.

As you can see I just supplement my kids education; but honestly, the kids really do need support to do well in the public schools, too. I don't depend on the teachers as my kid is one of too many.
First day of school today. It went OK. Two of my high school students are also working this year so that will be new. One of the twins has definite learning issues and I need to go on with the other one. This is hard for me as she is also becoming aware that she is having a harder time.

When a child recognizes they are having a more difficult time . . that can also be the open door for the child to help in finding solutions. My son is more willing to fore go breads as he functions better without; and he is more willing to take his special vitamins and green tea as that also helps. He and I are finding solutions together.

Have a great year!!
While I admire the lesser paperwork for the IIllinois home schooling, I would like to know how employers and colleges work around this?? Recently I filled out a job application requiring my education-- honestly I ws questioning why the info was necessary as the job only requires that I understand English, lol. A high school education is not even necessary for this job. BUt that started me thinking!!! I'm betting businesses don't look further than public school documentation and that colleges would like that too. Maybe colleges are more advanced than I am giving them credit.

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