Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Yes, we just got an Ipad this summer and we've done a few stories through the trials on the apps and a couple of online sites, but I haven't really researched much for ebooks , thanks for the recommendation.

We used the Brain Quiz workbooks as a supplement for the last two years. I didn't purchase it this year because so much of it ends up getting not used because I make so many worksheets and use so many different on line sites for worksheets. I do my own curriculum as well. I actually enjoy figuring out what we are going to study and what we are going to use to do so. My son loves starfall. I have always wanted to learn sign language myself. I started a free on line program when my son was little and was doing well, but life got so hectic, that it fell to the side. I looked at Easy Peasy too, but it just didn't fit us.

Our library is our best Because I do create our curriculum we depend HEAVILY on the library. HIs problem is with fluency. His phonics are good, he actually had his phonics learned at 3 years, but when he's reading he's having to stop and sound so much that his reading is very choppy. He gets frustrated which just makes it harder on himself.

We recently switched it up & are now using Brain Quest as more of a supplement, too. We've pieced together a curriculum from various places over the last couple of years. Easy Peasy, Ambleside, PBS Learning, Khan Academy, etc., & making many trips to the library
Seems to be working well at the moment.

We occasionally study sign language because we babysit a girl that has to use it to communicate. I'd be interested either way, but we might not have done it otherwise.

I guess we got lucky with reading. I don't recall doing anything other than reading to them, & later, with them, at a very young age. They watched some phonics DVDs, did Starfall & ABCya. We just need to work on handwriting. Ever do any cursive? We tried not too long ago & they weren't all that interested.
We recently switched it up & are now using Brain Quest as more of a supplement, too. We've pieced together a curriculum from various places over the last couple of years. Easy Peasy, Ambleside, PBS Learning, Khan Academy, etc., & making many trips to the library
Seems to be working well at the moment.

We occasionally study sign language because we babysit a girl that has to use it to communicate. I'd be interested either way, but we might not have done it otherwise.

I guess we got lucky with reading. I don't recall doing anything other than reading to them, & later, with them, at a very young age. They watched some phonics DVDs, did Starfall & ABCya. We just need to work on handwriting. Ever do any cursive? We tried not too long ago & they weren't all that interested.
I don't bother to teach cursive anymore. Most schools stopped doing it.
Ever do any cursive?

Yep, we taught it to my daughter as part of Kindergarten last year and will continue teaching it, she can read and write equally well in cursive or print at this point, and has already transitioned over to a cursive signature and authoring things like birthday cards and little notes in cursive...
Personally my choice to homeschool my children is mainly because I have high contempt for public school curriculum choices as well as the social course and direction public schools have decided to take...
I'm a computer geek, and being autistic, I struggle with penmenship and writing, due to low muscle tone in my hands. I have horrible memories being forced to learn cursive in school... so I decided not to put my kids through it, especially since it's a lost/dying art, as everything is electronic these days.. lol
We recently switched it up & are now using Brain Quest as more of a supplement, too. We've pieced together a curriculum from various places over the last couple of years. Easy Peasy, Ambleside, PBS Learning, Khan Academy, etc., & making many trips to the library :) Seems to be working well at the moment.

We occasionally study sign language because we babysit a girl that has to use it to communicate. I'd be interested either way, but we might not have done it otherwise.

I guess we got lucky with reading. I don't recall doing anything other than reading to them, & later, with them, at a very young age. They watched some phonics DVDs, did Starfall & ABCya. We just need to work on handwriting. Ever do any cursive? We tried not too long ago & they weren't all that interested.

We have not started cursive yet. I do plan on teaching cursive, but we too are still working on penmanship, so I'm not pushing it for another year or two. I don't remember learning cursive till about fourth grade. He still writes on the big side and I want him to have better control over before I throw that in there too.
Personally my choice to homeschool my children is mainly because I have high contempt for public school curriculum choices as well as the social course and direction public schools have decided to take...

It seems as though they have removed the important things to fill it with nonsense. (Half being how to take standardized testing.) Not only did our elementary cut cursive but they cut teaching them how to read an analog clock because almost everything now is digital. SMH
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I don't bother to teach cursive anymore. Most schools stopped doing it.

Yeah, that's true, but that's the benefit of homeschooling. We can do it all if we choose
Printing, cursive, typing, signing.
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CURSIVE! Trying to teach that right off. I did some reading and it seems most reading issues didn't happen until they switched to teaching PRINT first. Cursive seems to prevent most of those issues. Like in print a B and D look so similar but not in cursive. Mine are just tracing and my 5 year old thinks it is another language but he does great!

The joy of homeschooling.... choices!

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