Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

When we homeschooled in Nevada, we just had to keep the books from the year before, to prove work done. My kids hate work books, but i've been in such a habit of using it to prove their moving forward since the books are easy to fill out and as long as they get 90% of the answers right for their grade, it proves they are learning enough to pass the grade.

I don't believe in no child left behind, or mandated testing, I also don't believe in testing to test... My oldest can pass a test, but can't apply anything... what good is it, if you can do a math problem on paper, but can't figure out how much to substitute in the kitchen, or how to keep a mental tally of math going in your head when grocery shopping?

One of the fun things we do for math, is the kids help with household projects. When we go to the feed store, they have to figure out what we need, and how much it's going to cost with sales tax by the end of the shopping trip. Person who guesses closest, gets a prize. LOL Dad usually wins. :p but it's good practice for trying to keep a mental math going to keep in your budget if you have one while shopping.

We do hands on stuff like that, to really help make sure they know how to "apply" stuff.

My 5 year old is the one who measures the amount of feet for all her chicken fencing, then tells dad how many feet of fencing we need, how many poles, etc. She's out there right now, digging holes and carrying buckets of pea gravel to help put the fences in so her EE batch can have a free-range area.

They've helped remodel houses, do plumbing basic electricity stuff, do painting, molding, they've done it all (we've remodeled 2 houses since we've moved to texas.)

So, for them, hands on learning has been far more beneficial. I know my daughter will be able to do basic house repairs as an adult with out "relying on a man around" to do it for her... you know?
I totally agree. It doesn't do any good learning something without knowing how it applies to real life. And then you have the kids that don't test well, but know the stuff. We haven't had to test yet. Our requirements are written so that you don't have to do standardized testing until 4-8 on an every other year basis. The years between you can actually do the written end of year assesments, so technically you can get away without testing until 5th grade because you can use 4th, 6th and 8th grade as a written assessment. 9-12 is mandatory standardized testing. At this point if I admistered a standardized test, I don't think it would truely show his level because anything timed stresses him out so much, he can't complete it even knowing the material.
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One of the few things good about Illinois is that is essentially no oversight of home schools, I don't even have to disclose to them I'm homeschooling...
That's Texas. When I looked up the guidlines collectively- for Texas it said that you didn't even have to notify of your intent, (but that if your kids were previously in public school you might to give them a heads
That's Texas. When I looked up the guidlines collectively- for Texas it said that you didn't even have to notify of your intent, (but that if your kids were previously in public school you might to give them a heads
We are required to do an intent to homeschool form in our local area, but it's not "required" until 3rd grade.

I'm going to give kindergarten a shot with my youngest, and see how she does. She's really social, so I may end up putting her in public school, depending on how she does. Her toddler brother is a 24 weeker, so my lack of desire to have him exposed to the million illnesses, has a lot to do with why we've continued to homeschool the younger kids. My oldest did go to public school for a couple years, but he did so poorly there, it was clear it wasn't a good fit for him.

I'm not the world most patient person when it comes to trying to teach things. I'm autistic, and I'm one of those "I either get it, or I just don't get it" people, so trying to teach abstract concepts, can be a challenge for me. My husband and I definitely trade off on helping meet their educational needs because I'm really good at giving assignments, doing flash cards, watching educational shows and talking about the material and organizing all their play dates, school activities, etc.

I'm not the person who helps with homework when the kids in public school. LOL My husband definitely helps out *alot* with their education.
That is for plagiarism reasons. They do often have to write essays on the spot and even for entrance to the college. (I used to work at a college).
When I was in college about 10 years ago, almost all of my classes were online submission for homework, or whatever else.

I did have to take entrance exam's by hand though.
When I was in college about 10 years ago, almost all of my classes were online submission for homework, or whatever else.

I did have to take entrance exam's by hand though.

When I was in college, 24 years ago, we did everything by ;). I can't believe to was that long ago....
Have to notify the schools on our intent to home school. I was late getting my paper in and boy was my phone ringing off the hook! Got it in though.

I know the schools around here are not pushing for penmanship anymore, but after DD saw the letters written by family members clear back in the 1920's and 30's she really wanted to work on that area. She is getting better every day.
She is also doing sewing projects too.
Hi folks!! I am home schooled. My parents took a bit more of an ''Unschooling'' approach, which has worked great for me in all subjects except math, many of the other subjects we can incorporate into daily life, and you can incorporate math into daily life, but only to an extent, so while I have excelled in other subjects, I am about 4 grades behind in math (please don't judge). So I am doing extra math to catch up, but overall, I love being home schooled!
This page is for parents and not the kids of homeschooling. There is already a thread for kids. By BYC's Mods request from my first post. Minors are NOT invited to post on this thread, this for their own internet safety and as per the policy of the owner of BYC.

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