Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Have any of you tried the Ron Paul curriculum, and if so, what did you think?

I thought about it.  I was free up to like 5th grade.  I think now it all cost.  I have not looked at it since I found that out.

It looks interesting, but also costly and I would really have to consider the overall cost as it's not real clear what the final cost is over and above the annual cost...

I do like the fact it's not common core, we are kind of disappointed in the curriculum we are using this year is as the common core aspect is confusing my daughter, she already knows how to do math the 'old school' way and now being introduced to common core is literally holding her back and confusing her, as she knows the answer to the problem and how to solve it 'old school' but she does not know the 'common core steps' the curriculum insist she plug in to get to the answer and this is frustrating her...
Had some pretty windy days and that knocks our satialite internet dish around and DD gets timed out on her classes.
We got into a long discussion concerning classic books that I had enjoyed. So she is going to start reading Grapes of Wrath, Across Five Aprils, All's Quiet on The Western Front and a few others this winter. Then it is going to be report writing time.
Had some pretty windy days and that knocks our satialite internet dish around and DD gets timed out on her classes.
We got into a long discussion concerning classic books that I had enjoyed. So she is going to start reading Grapes of Wrath, Across Five Aprils, All's Quiet on The Western Front and a few others this winter. Then it is going to be report writing time.

I remember reading The Grapes of Wrath in high school. Was not one of my I didn't like that or The Yearling. I loved To Kill A Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men.
All of mine love to read, but hate reading the classics. Sorry this sounds so naïve, but can someone explain why they have to read them?
if your kids are reading other things, including history books, I wouldn't push the "you HAVE to read classics that all other kids are reading."

I've never read the classics. and I have no interest in it. My oldest likes the classics, so he has them on his book shelf.

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