Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

My daughter does the same thing. We used to do every subject, everyday. But over time i let her be more in control of her learning. She now chooses for the most part to work on one subject per day. It works for her.

What program do you use for German? My daughter did German this year for about 6months using a free program called duolingo. She didnt like German too much or duolingo. Since she has 1.5 years of Spanish already under her belt so she decided to go back to learning Spanish. I think i might order Rosetta Stone .
Is anyone familiar with the website I have found a few things that im interested in but dont feel secure purchasing through them. If you have purchased through them could you please share your experiences with it.
hrfrds and chicken pickin, You are wise and smart to let them/her choose. As long as it gets done, don't fret the small stuff. If one subject isn't her favorite, try to find a way that makes it better for her. Even if it's unconventional to you but it works, go for it! Mine hated doing their work at desks or sitting in chairs, I finally said fine, just get it done well. One of mine would go hide in Mount Washmore in the laundry room to get work done or to work through her emotions. Another of mine laid on his bed-even through college- to get his done. Another HAD to have music or background noise *ALWAYS* but was really lost without it. One of mine was told for every "A" they got we would buy an egg roll-about all we could afford- until they came home with 7 A's! LOL. We ended up buying her a meal instead that time! Another time one of ours would not do the HW for class even though they knew it. It brought their grade down but it was their choice. We also tested out of lessons in math by taking the test. If they got an A, they did the next set until they got to the point of not knowing it. One of mine was so bored with her 4th grade math, science and history that mid year I bumped her up a grade. She is twice gifted with a physical and several learning disabilities and was off the charts smart. So smart we never really knew how bad her learning disability was until later in college. Just want to encourage you all! Once they leave home with their diploma in hand, NO ONE ever asks what book or curriculum did you use in elementary school?? Or middle school!
chicken pickin we are using the Rosette Stone.
So funny when she was breaking down certain words to explain their meaning to us. Told her to just wait I know a lady in town who did German through college and she could talk to her in German. Good practice and learning.

She was sad last night when she saw her former class mates all dressed up for prom. Contacted the head of our home schooling group to see if we do anything like that. Even if just a couple of us families get together to do it.
What program do you use for German? My daughter did German this year for about 6months using a free program called duolingo. She didnt like German too much or duolingo. Since she has 1.5 years of Spanish already under her belt so she decided to go back to learning Spanish. I think i might order Rosetta Stone .

After all of the stuff I have tried, the only thing that really works is a real live human.

Find a neighbor that you trust with your kids that speaks a foreign language to be a tutor. Or find someone at an old folks home or retirement community that will talk to the kid in whatever foreign language for 20 minutes twice a week.
Been there...Can you do a formal dinner with a couple of families for your DD and a few homeschooling families? Or some kind of treasure hunt with different courses at couple of different restaurants? Like a clue to a place with appetizers might be go to xyz street and eat a wonderful green treat that can't be beat for being healthy, then ask the manager for your next clue where to eat, and keep going. You could hire a driver to tzake them on their night out dressed up.
Very true on the language. One family I knew went away for 4 weeks in a different country to volunteer and use that language.
The only thing I remember from prom was dinner at a fancy place.... the dressing up and getting pictures. I have no memory of the actual "Dance". Now that I think about it I attended 2 and don't remember much from either.

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