Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

Eh... it depends.

I researched it a bit when my kids were starting Highschool... and there is a decent amount of variation.

One big factor is if the kid is a math wiz, or struggles. The math wiz group do higher level maths... if the kid struggles with math you want to pick the more practical math.

The cathy duffy site has great reviews of math programs. If the review says "great for clep" or whatever then that = a more advanced faster paced math.

Remember, it is MUCH more important to get a good solid grounding in math, than to flounder and drown in a math class that is too advanced.

Sample of classes:

Algebra 1
Algebra 2/Trigonometry

My eldest did:
Algebra 1
Practical trig/physics
Algebra 2

Second kid did:
Algebra 1
Now finishing Geometry
We had a similar run:
for the first one: pre-algebra in 8th, algebra 1, geomtery, algebra 2, then he took his SATs and had nearly perfect math scores which then led to him doing Calculus at college as an early placement student for his Senior year in High school.
Second one was: pre-algebra in 8th, Alg. 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, High Sat scores and wanted to do Algebra 2 in College but didn't need it for her major.
Third one was tougher:
pre-algebra in 8th, Dave Ramsey financial Peace in 9th (tough year for us due to a family emergency that lasted 4 months from Nov 11,2011 through Feb. 2012), Algebra 1 in 10th and I don't remember the other one!
Fourth one: Pre-algebra in 8th, Dave Ramsey in 9th, algebra 1 in 10th, geometry in 11th, and she refuses to take Algebra with anyone but her Geometry teacher but they cancelled the algebra 2 class just before classes started and her SAT scores aren't quite high enough-off by a couple of points- to get into a math class at college.
Health issues have always thrown a monkey wrench into the best laid out thoughts and plans. And usually in the late fall though April months! (shake head and sighs. Want to ask God about that one when I get there so I can see the front of the Tapestry; not the back where it doesn't make much sense to me. :) ) My youngest had 5 pacemakers and 3 open heart surgeries in 10 years plus numerous other issues. My other guys had other issues as well. So I can say you can homeschool through it all but it sure can look different from everyone else's in the end.
Hope that helps and encourages.
I'm homeschooling too, my 14 year old daughter.
Does anyone have any experience signing high school age kids up for community college classes? I know I need to just bite the bullet & call the local CC, but I was hoping for advice and/or tips before I do.
Well, yes, So get on the broom and fly to your local community college with me!

Ours has a dual enrollment program that you can go see a counselor for. It required me bringing in a couple of forms they wanted filled out and a transcript. It took a couple of trips because of timing and paperwork but wasn't too stressful other than trying to do the transcript and getting my guys to get the timing of signing up right. Be sure to ask if they offer some kind of dual enrollment scholarship or aid. Ours covered all 4 of mine's classes at different funding levels-usually half or more! One of mine was fully covered for $1200 of tuition and a $500 book credit. WOW! once your set and signing up for classes use to find classes-we use this every time!- and if they have a dual enrollment counselor see if they have any recommendations. If you are part of an umbrella organization, post questions about which classes are good. Don't miss out on a good opportunity.
Well, yes, So get on the broom and fly to your local community college with me!

Ours has a dual enrollment program that you can go see a counselor for. It required me bringing in a couple of forms they wanted filled out and a transcript. It took a couple of trips because of timing and paperwork but wasn't too stressful other than trying to do the transcript and getting my guys to get the timing of signing up right. Be sure to ask if they offer some kind of dual enrollment scholarship or aid. Ours covered all 4 of mine's classes at different funding levels-usually half or more! One of mine was fully covered for $1200 of tuition and a $500 book credit. WOW! once your set and signing up for classes use to find classes-we use this every time!- and if they have a dual enrollment counselor see if they have any recommendations. If you are part of an umbrella organization, post questions about which classes are good. Don't miss out on a good opportunity.

Hahaha! Hop on, we can always make room.
Thanks for all the info, especially the funding tips & the ratemyprofessor website. Its the paperwork I'm mostly worried about. I know things vary from state to state, but what kind of info did you need for the forms & the transcript? We aren't affiliated or registered with anyone & have zero paperwork. I assumed we would have to take placement tests for anything academic, but hoped we wouldn't need additional letters or certification. Is it ridiculous that I'm feeling both excited & nervous about this?

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