
I decided I wanted honey but I dont want to bother with my own hives so I have been searching CL and putting up ads looking for someone to put hives on my property in exchange for a little honey at the end of the year.
We do this, It works out well for us as long as they remember to close the gate the guy winters them in CA i think
I'm living on 98 acres totally off grid in north central Alberta. Solar power, wood stove & no water.
Right now I have 2 butcher hogs (3rd was butchered a few weeks ago), 4 buckeye hens and a rooster and 3 cats (2 are mousers). Hoping to add a dog next summer and eventually some cattle or bison. Right now we've got 60 acres of alfalfa and about half an acre ready for a garden next summer.

Looking forward to chatting with everyone and picking up some tips & tricks along the way.

How much power does your solar generate?
The bunny condo is done and in the goat shed for the winter.
well i plan to be more self sufficient this next year, (kinda of a new years plan or what ever you call that) but i got a few books for Christmas about living off the land, foraging and gathering food form the wild. i have yet to make this plan (i guess i should start soon) but i plan on trapping, fishing and hunting as much meat as i can get, also to harvest as much plants as i can from the wild.
@itsasmallfarm Do you have a plan for preserving your bounty? I am always on the lookout for ideas that go beyond the freezer. For example, we love canned chicken. but I need to learn how to make pickles yet, lol.

i plan to learn how to can some of the items, my mom and grandma make very good pickles so hoping to pickle some of the items and we have a vacuum sealer for foods to freeze. :)
well i have started a small list of things i would like to try,
for wild edibles i would love to try and eat cat tails, been reading a bit about them in my books, also would like to give my hand at trying to make birch syrup. (if i can find some birch trees)
for proteins i would like to try muskrat, beaver and common carp.

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