
Syracuse, NY.  too cold for me but DS and his were transferred from AL to FL.   I favor AL. and the south.  Should have moved south years ago.  Only thing keeps me here is the Church I go to. And my DD's and there's, but I do have a DD in TX too. 

There was ice on the waterers this am.!  :barnie

Brrrrrr! I hate cold weather! I'm such a summer time gal! Our planting zones are way different lol I'm a zone seven but wishing I was an eight because I want to things that are right on the edge of my zone (figs and pomegranates yummy)

I should actually be putting in a few more right now but I usually ask for fruit trees for Mother's Day so spring planting here.

Do you happen to know about growing garlic? It's one thing I haven't tried yet and no one around here grows up but I use it in everything!
Now that is beautiful! Learning to can is my focus right now. Do you or any one else have any suggestions for a good book that really breaks it down? There are so many topics for just canning that I'm having trouble finding a good well rounded book that will include:

Hot water bath vs pressure canning

I tried pickles and they turned out disgustingly mushy. I then went to refrigerator pickles which we love but don't have the shelf life. I wanted to get into fermenting for the pro biotic benefit but I find the pressure issue to be confusing and there is a lot of talk about bad bacteria as well that I would like clarified.

I checked out books from the public library and then picked three which had the most I could use. and bought them. Since it is hard to find time to can all the harvest at once I freeze what I can to do during the cold winter months.

Hint : Tomatoes can be frozen with the skins on. When they thaw the skins come right off. Same with peaches. Just wash and freeze. Process later.
Brrrrrr! I hate cold weather! I'm such a summer time gal! Our planting zones are way different lol I'm a zone seven but wishing I was an eight because I want to things that are right on the edge of my zone (figs and pomegranates yummy)

I should actually be putting in a few more right now but I usually ask for fruit trees for Mother's Day so spring planting here.

Do you happen to know about growing garlic? It's one thing I haven't tried yet and no one around here grows up but I use it in everything!

I'm sure figs could be grown with the proper care. I had a friend here who grew figs. Many folks of Italian decent grow figs in their yards. I have some nice recipes for fig jams.

Garlic is very easy to grow, you should have no problem if your beds are prepared right. You may find various op's and ideas about growing it but do it your own way. I always take some ideas and modify them and see how they turn out. I do raised beds and some folks don't. It's very wet here and not using raised beds would not be good. Drainage is very poor.
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Brrrrrr! I hate cold weather! I'm such a summer time gal! Our planting zones are way different lol I'm a zone seven but wishing I was an eight because I want to things that are right on the edge of my zone (figs and pomegranates yummy)

I should actually be putting in a few more right now but I usually ask for fruit trees for Mother's Day so spring planting here.

Do you happen to know about growing garlic? It's one thing I haven't tried yet and no one around here grows up but I use it in everything!

I have grown garlic for several years now, it's really easy! As Rancher said, if your beds are nutritious, just plant & watch it grow. I usually plant a couple of types for variety, my preferred source for bulbs is Johnnys' seeds or your own organic. Just be aware that store bought non-organic garlic is usually treated with a growth inhibitor so that you can't grow really great bulbs, hope that helps, Sue
I have a older friend that planted a fig this year so I'm going to keep using my money on tried and true fruit options and just watch hers for the next two years! Cheating it seems like but hey you gotta do what you gotta do! ;) do you know what kind of figs they grow there?

I'm thinking of putting in some raised beds for garlic and asparagus. Just need to pick a spot And get the hubby on it lol I will say he made my daughter an amazing strawberry planter box out of old 4x4x4 shipping crates he snagged at work! It's a four foot square under a three foot square under a two under a one. We took an old 6 inch round piece of PVC pipe and drilled small holes all up and down it left a cap on the bottom end and stuck it through the center of all the boxes and when it rains the strawberries only hold so much water so to pipe starts filling up as a reserve water source. Or your can just stick the water hose in the pipe and tada easy for my daughter to do and her strawberries exploded this year!!! She got strawberries out of there from spring to frost! I'm thinking I need at least 20 more!!

We have clay soil so I'm adding compost and leaves like a crazy person trying to help it drain better. It was forever before it dried up enough this spring to till! So I'm thinking more raised beds for two cold weather crops instead of just the fall one.... I have my worm bins working over time to keep up with the summer harvest though.... Need to look into expanding their operation but they are work horses! Only been doing worms for two years though. My husband thought I was crazy when I brought ten lbs of worms to live in my laundry room! Rofl
Sorry I am a day late on here. How did you learn to can? I want to do it soooo bad but I am petrified of botulism plus the jars and lids and rings seem pricey
Sorry I am a day late on here. How did you learn to can? I want to do it soooo bad but I am petrified of botulism plus the jars and lids and rings seem pricey
If you do it right, and use good equipment, there's nothing to be afraid of. If you don't have friends or family who can, buy a canning book like "Ball canning". You can get used jars at yard sales and on Craigslist, just make sure they don't have cracks or chips.
Read the post above you. Ball really does have a good book. Not sure on apps for canning? But anything is possible I guess.
I really want to give canning a try. Any good beginner books to recommend? How about cell phone apps?

If you are worried about price and you food spoiling start out with pickled things. Things with a vinegar base the likelihood of those spoiling is way less the a lot of things. Start small who knows if you will like to can. I do but I will tell you it's a butt load of work! I love opening up my cabinet though and thinking "I did that!!!!" Start off buying a water bath canner which you can buy at Walmart for about twenty dollars buy one case of pint jars about $14 those come which the first lids and rings. So about $25 to get your feet wet.

Watch about for jars at yard sales and flea markets people seem to always be selling them. Do not I repeat do not buy chipped jars they will break or your food will spoil. Also don't buy the blue jars. Not that you can't can in them, you can but they are higher because people use them for decorations. So if you are wanting to save money just head for the clear ones.

Ask around too! One post on Facebook and I got 300 free jars when someone's grandmother went in the nursing home. You might not get them free but you might get them at at huge discount over new. I have jars that were my grandmothers so at least 60 years old ( I really need to try to date some of the older ones ) so they are a good investment if you take care of them.

For now I would stay away from buying a used pressure canner. You can buy them used and I have but until you learn more about pressure valves gaskets and seals I wouldn't advise it. Besides the newer ones are much safer than the old ones. Again I have one of my grandmothers that isn't weighted at all you really have to stay on top of that sucker!

Good luck! I wish everyone had your interest! If you have any questions feel free to message me! I don't claim to be an expert but who is?! ;)
Sorry I am a day late on here. How did you learn to can? I want to do it soooo bad but I am petrified of botulism plus the jars and lids and rings seem pricey

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