
My homestead is small at the moment, but its growing! In the beginning i had a 4x8 raised bed garden and then i bought Bobwhite Quail, for eggs as chickens weren't an option just a dream at the time. I expanded the garden and the quail coop to accommodate more birds and things were looking good! I needed a bigger garden spot, so me and my dad built the garden i have today! The whole area measures 25x12 with a 4x8 in the middle. The beds make a shape of 2 L's put together, if that makes any sense! I wanted to try raising rabbits, for pet and show purposes, so i got two dutch rabbits. they just has their second litter at the beginning of the month! Later when i got settled with a bigger "homestead" the idea of chickens really started to look possible. Again me and my dad built a coop for 2 hens (the limit where i live). I plan to expand the run this summer, it measures 8x8, but i want them to have as  much room as possible due to the fact that i can't free range, fox problem! I have one golden laced wyandotte named ebony, and one Delaware named ivory, they will lay eggs this summer cant wait!!! Back to the garden, this year i'm growing: Strawberries, potatoes, 2 types of bush beans, spinach, radish, rosemary,lemon verbena, mint, lemon thyme, basil, bell pepper, jalapeno, silver queen corn, peaches-n- cream corn,squash,okra, and sunflowers! I plan to sell my vegetables this year along with the rabbits that are born and fresh eggs! At first it was for personal and fun purposes but now it benefits me and my family. I have come a long way and look forward to what comes next!
Thanks for whomever read to the end, i wish you the best of luck in all you do! 
a 4x8 garden is a great start. Keep pushing forward and reaching for more.
Cautious peeking my head in here :) I've been reading through the thread all morning. Does anyone here do Urban Homesteading? Leaving the city isn't an option for us, but I'm trying my best to turn our small city lot into an urban homestead. So far that means we have a big garden bed and we are getting chickens this weekend. In the plans are a lot more garden beds, possibly some type of berry hedge {after we rip out our current hedge}, and several fruit trees. I'd love to do rabbits but my animal lover daughter refuses to. I'm toying with the idea of pygmy goats - we can have 2 here in town, but I don't really want to deal with a billy goat most of the year. Anyone know if they have AI for goats?
I live in the city on less than half an acre. Most of my property is deeply shaded by oak trees and the rest is covered in structures and concrete. yet, I've got a decent sized annual/perrenial garden, a peach tree, blackberries & passion fruit and we raise a mixed flock of layers, Icelandic chickens, Coturnix quail & Californian rabbits.
Cautious peeking my head in here :) I've been reading through the thread all morning. Does anyone here do Urban Homesteading? Leaving the city isn't an option for us, but I'm trying my best to turn our small city lot into an urban homestead. So far that means we have a big garden bed and we are getting chickens this weekend. In the plans are a lot more garden beds, possibly some type of berry hedge {after we rip out our current hedge}, and several fruit trees. I'd love to do rabbits but my animal lover daughter refuses to. I'm toying with the idea of pygmy goats - we can have 2 here in town, but I don't really want to deal with a billy goat most of the year. Anyone know if they have AI for goats?

One acre here with chickens and 4 raised bed gardens. This year I am hoping to have blackberries, strawberries, and rhubarb in addition to the usual tomatoes, etc. Have a tractor coop because of hawks. Welcome to BYC!
Listening to you guys, I know I was blessed. I grew up in a tiny town of 372 (that is what the sign reads because those 2 people really count
) people. I had my Great grandpa's pasture right outside my back door, literally just had to crawl under the fence to be free. I spent a lot of my childhood playing near the river. I did live in Lincoln as an adult for a while, but found my cowboy and am now even more remote.
I am glad you guys found and love what I have at times took for granted.

I love the 2, it must be a common theme. I grew up on the farm I now own, after living in the city for years I got to move back here and buy it from my brothers...But back to the 2..

The town closest to us that we went to school in, and my Grandparents lived in after they sold the farm to my Dad had a population of 302. (1960 census).

Hey, can I help it I am old! I remember when the 302 came out my Grandma was so happy because the town had grown so much!
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Listening to you guys, I know I was blessed. I grew up in a tiny town of 372 (that is what the sign reads because those 2 people really count ;) ) people. I had my Great grandpa's pasture right outside my back door, literally just had to crawl under the fence to be free. I spent a lot of my childhood playing near the river. I did live in Lincoln as an adult for a while, but found my cowboy and am now even more remote.

I am glad you guys found and love what I have at times took for granted.

I love the 2, it must be a common theme.   I grew up on the farm I now own, after living in the city for years I got to move back here and buy it from my brothers...But back to the 2..

The town closest to us that we went to school in, and my Grandparents lived in after they sold the farm to my Dad had a population of 302. (1960 census).

Hey,  can I help it I am old!  I remember when the 302 came out my Grandma was so happy because the town had grown so much!

Lol it does make you feel like you really count doesn't it :D
Lol it does make you feel like you really count doesn't it :D

Well, considering I only had 6 other kids in my class, until the city people started moving out here and my class swelled to 11, it does.

I graduated with 15. We did have a class of 6 girls two years ahead of us, every once in a while a boy would move in, but he wouldn't last more then a year :)
Well now don't feel to sorry for me. These days there are lots of kids who have both parents but a worse situation. Even some with money. Besides I was blessed considering in those days kids were taken away, from even two parent home. I am blessed now too. You all are here.

So back to the jelly. I let it sit another day and there was even more sediment and crystals. I got as much juice as I could which was 14 cups. Each batch called for 5. The first two batches are made with four cups of Wild grapes and 10 of domestic grapes. I believe they're concords, so the jelly is darker and tarter but good.

With the 4 cups I added 1 cup of Ocean Spray cranberry/concord grape juice. It's 100% juice and contained no sugar so I figured what the heck? It's lighter and sweeter but still good.

One of the recipe called for use of a green apple (tart apple) instead of lemon. I'd missed that part so used the recipe that called for lemon juice.

I also used a package of powdered pectin. I have a hard time getting a set with recipes that don't call for any.

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