
Good luck getting nails into pallet wood.
You might want to try wood screws instead. Depending on the wire you are using, you may also want to get some wire staples/steeples as well, though they will be equally as hard to drive into pallet wood.

I meant screws, Im a city girl going homestead, so I use them interchangeably. I plan on using a staple gun for the wire or washers on short screws. The design I have in mind is fairly simple, and my Dad says he will help me, I know how to use the power tools now, so I am a happy girl. The pallets will be for the back and part of the sides, and 2x4's for the framing. all of my wire will be attached to the 2x4's with the pallets over the top on the sides, so it will be a half wall on each end and a solid pallet wall on the back, with an open screen front. I will try to take pictures as I go, but it might be difficult to remember when building three hutches. I am so stinkin excited to build that it isn't even funny.. then the job of getting them over to my house starts. Maybe I should just cut everything over there and assemble it here with the drill...decisions decisions.
I meant screws, Im a city girl going homestead, so I use them interchangeably. I plan on using a staple gun for the wire or washers on short screws. The design I have in mind is fairly simple, and my Dad says he will help me, I know how to use the power tools now, so I am a happy girl. The pallets will be for the back and part of the sides, and 2x4's for the framing. all of my wire will be attached to the 2x4's with the pallets over the top on the sides, so it will be a half wall on each end and a solid pallet wall on the back, with an open screen front. I will try to take pictures as I go, but it might be difficult to remember when building three hutches. I am so stinkin excited to build that it isn't even funny.. then the job of getting them over to my house starts. Maybe I should just cut everything over there and assemble it here with the drill...decisions decisions.

Post pics when you are finished! LOVE seeing other people's builds, especially when building on the cheap....that has a special place in my heart.

You might even think of using some furring strips on your wire edges and then the screws. Coon and also some dogs are really good at pushing on hutch wire to get the edges loose when it's just stapled or screwed.

Did you know they now make a rabbit watering bottle that is heated? Oh, if they had had such a thing when we were doing meat rabbits! Such a wonderful invention and can't imagine why it's taken this long.

My rabbit won't drink from a nipple like that. I have two "ball-type" bottles that I swap out while the other thaws. And he's even partial to one of those! He's quite the picky boy. He doesn't even care for hay much. He ripped his little hay rack off the cage. I move his "cubby" to the corner, he moves it around. He isn't mean, but he's quite stubborn. I'm debating getting another rabbit to put in a separate hutch next to him for a little company. I have the rabbit purely for the manure and as a pet.
He may just be bored. A lot of rabbits like to play so maybe you could give him something to stimulate his interest. A hard ball to roll around or a tunnel to run through. There are lots of ideas on the web. Don't forget they like to chew so give him some willow or fruit branches to chew on. Even dried pinecones may interest him and he could push them around and chew on them.
Thanks for the suggestions! When it's nice out, I put him in the chicken tractor. He has a piece of wood to chew on and a toy or two. I'm hoping to come up with a roomier arrangement next year. I know I'd go nuts living in a hutch! In the meantime I'll look for more stimulating things.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I hope you all get to spend the day with your loved ones and eat lots of fresh homemade goodies!! We are in cookie overload right now. 8 dozen kloshki, 3 dozen chocolate chip, 3 dozen assorted from my boss, 1 caramel apple pie and 1 cherry pie.

I hope all you youngens get your cheeks pinched and all you older ones harass the cook for more ______ in the _________... Remind the kids it's not about the gifts it's about the feeling.

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