****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Amber struggled to get away from the Alpha. She personally didn't feel like dying at the moment. But every time she got close slipping from his grip, she became too exhausted to continue. "Can...anyone...help me?" She panted, trying to appear helpless, which she sort of was.
But she's right...why don't you just submit? Why are you always so rude, Amber? Why are you so cruel to others? Amber thought to herself. Because I don't submit to the likes of those coyotes. Was her automatic response. But the little bit of good in her seeped back into her mind. He's not that bad, you know. He's just trying to teach you respect. Amber was torn between her pride and anger and the goodness in her heart.
"Well would you rather die unwillingly by a Hunter"
he asked her.
Amber tugged herself out of her brain to reply, half-heartedly, "That's why I'm asking for help, Loki. Isn't obvious? We can finish this fight later, but respect is not something to worry about right now, okay?" Amber tried to sneer, but her voice wobbled.

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