****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Name: Amber (Let me know if this name is already taken. :) )
Gender: Female
Pack: Toyota Coyote Pack
Rank: Lower mid-ranker
Mate: Open
Personality: Is rather sneaky and stays content and well-fed from sneaking food when no one is watching. She's rather disrespectful to the Alphas and often mocks them behind their backs. However, she pretends to be nice and well-behaved when she's around the Alphas, though sometimes a bit of sarcasm slips when she's talking.
Physical description: Has a mix of silver-gray and brown fur with a white belly. Her eyes are hazel, and, I might add, full of cruel laughter.
Other: (@cluckmecoop7 )
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Name: Amber (Let me know if this name is already taken. :) )
Gender: Female
Pack: Toyota Coyote Pack
Rank: Lower mid-ranker
Mate: Female
Personality: Is rather sneaky and stays content and well-fed from sneaking food when no one is watching. She's rather disrespectful to the Alphas and often mocks them behind their backs. However, she pretends to be nice and well-behaved when she's around the Alphas, though sometimes a bit of sarcasm slips when she's talking.
Physical description: Has a mix of silver-gray and brown fur with a white belly. Her eyes are hazel, and, I might add, full of cruel laughter.
Other: N/A
What do you mean by mate:female ?

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