****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Name: Amber (Let me know if this name is already taken. :) )
Gender: Female
Pack: Toyota Coyote Pack
Rank: Lower mid-ranker
Mate: Open
Personality: Is rather sneaky and stays content and well-fed from sneaking food when no one is watching. She's rather disrespectful to the Alphas and often mocks them behind their backs. However, she pretends to be nice and well-behaved when she's around the Alphas, though sometimes a bit of sarcasm slips when she's talking.
Physical description: Has a mix of silver-gray and brown fur with a white belly. Her eyes are hazel, and, I might add, full of cruel laughter.
Other: (@cluckmecoop7 )

"Umm... what is?" Fenrir was confused, he thought she was angry at him but now she was happy. He was overjoyed that she was not going to banish him but he didn't know what to think about this sudden mood change. Does she feel the same way about me? He thought. But that was impossible... wasn't it? He was a mere mid rank and she was alpha, there was no way it could be him.

"Oh, Fenrir. You have to know." She paused and looked him straight in the eyes. "I know, this might be confusing... but what would you think if I asked you to be... - well, in simple terms, - the alpha male?"
"Oh, Fenrir. You have to know." She paused and looked him straight in the eyes. "I know, this might be confusing... but what would you think if I asked you to be... - well, in simple terms, - the alpha male?"
Fenrir was shocked, though this is what he had hoped for, to be her mate and alpha male, he thought it would never come true. This time he could not hold back and literally jumped around like a pup. "Am I dreaming?" he asked almost to himself.

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