****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Sliver reached the end of the scent trail and saw a dead deer, Ice, Shaw, and another coyote whom he thought looked rather gorgeous.

Tawny found some water and headed back, making sure Zeus stayed with her the entire time.
Shaw looked away from the two coyotes to see a another coy behind him, he began having bad flashbacks and stepped away from the gathering coys to breath easy again .

Zeus stayed beside tawny as she got some water for the injured coy .
Shaw looked away from the two coyotes to see a another coy behind him, he began having bad flashbacks and stepped away from the gathering coys to breath easy again .

Zeus stayed beside tawny as she got some water for the injured coy .
Sliver barely registered that Shaw had backed away, all his attention was focused on the beautiful coyote.
Shaw looked away from the two coyotes to see a another coy behind him, he began having bad flashbacks and stepped away from the gathering coys to breath easy again .

Zeus stayed beside tawny as she got some water for the injured coy .
Tawny went back to crystal, "here's some water," she dripped some onto Crystal's jaws. "Zeus, can you get the healer?"

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