****HOOOWWOOOooooo**** ~ Awesome Coyote RP ~

Ashera offered a small smile and appeared to gracefully glide through the forest as she made her way back to camp to find the rest of her rabbit.
Zeus sat down sadly, feeling as if following her would make it worse. He felt responsible for her being sad, he curled up into a ball and lay there quietly
Zeus sat down sadly, feeling as if following her would make it worse. He felt responsible for her being sad, he curled up into a ball and lay there quietly
(Should I get another char? All of mine are free lol)

Ashera found her rabbit and laid by a tree, she didn't have her own den yet and was still looking so this was her spot for now.
( actually I'm about to go to bed)
(Should I get another char? All of mine are free lol)

Ashera found her rabbit and laid by a tree, she didn't have her own den yet and was still looking so this was her spot for now.
Zeus sat there for hours until the sun was getting low, he finally crept back into camp.
Jasper stealthily made his way back to camp, he had gone hunting without permission and had a small doe with him. He hid it near the river and ate a little before ripping a chunk off. His green eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he made his way to Ashera's tree and dropped the meat in front of her before heading to his and Amber's den. He curled himself around Amber and fell asleep.
Jasper stealthily made his way back to camp, he had gone hunting without permission and had a small doe with him. He hid it near the river and ate a little before ripping a chunk off. His green eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he made his way to Ashera's tree and dropped the meat in front of her before heading to his and Amber's den. He curled himself around Amber and fell asleep.
Ashera had heard her father coming long before he dropped the meat in front of her but gave no sign. After he had left she sniffed the meat and noticed it was deer. She wondered where he got it but decided the hunting party must have come back and ate it before going back to sleep.
Ashera set the rabbit in front of Shaw and Ryu as they weren't paying attention to her and trotted off in search of something to do.
Ryu looked down at his feet, slightly embarrassed at how rude he had been to Shaw, then noticed the rabbit. "How- when-" He muttered, nudging the rabbit carefully.
Ashera had heard her father coming long before he dropped the meat in front of her but gave no sign. After he had left she sniffed the meat and noticed it was deer. She wondered where he got it but decided the hunting party must have come back and ate it before going back to sleep.
Zeus went and laid under his mulberry tree, which had a deep root system that had been washed out by the recent rains but was now dry. He watched jasper give Ashera the deer leg and remembered he hadn't eaten, he slunk back into the woods to catch something for himself.

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