Hoping for One Cockerel

There are some tail feathers in the third photo - those are rounded. The more delicate feathers in front of the tail are pointed. So is he a feminine cockerel or is she a masculine hen?
15 weeks. Looking more like Angel than Buffy today (more cockerel). He’s gotten really skittish lately - he’s calm when I hold him, but hard as hell to catch. I’m guessing he’s 10 of 12 in the pecking order, so he’s not in a hurry to crow. With all of that red, if she’s a pullet, she’ll probably be the first to lay.
Coming on to 16 weeks. Not much changed. Still the smallest of the 6 pullets. There was one day this week where she showed possible roo behavior. She spotted a rabbit near her flock and she chased it off. As for feathers - I wouldn’t call them sickle feathers but the feathers in front of the tail at long and slender.

black minorca, andalusian, and buff minorca for comb comparison

Chilling out of the rain

Tail in alert

and a close up of her tail from a couple of days ago
17 weeks. Buffy/Angel has decided that humans are scary/evil monsters and has become ridiculously skittish. I considered leaving her loose last night and letting her become a feral chicken/raccoon snack. Hopefully she will settle down when she starts laying. One of my older hens (EE) is similar, and she’s been harder to get into the coop since we lost the matriarch, her BFF.


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