Horizon's End: A Wolf Story based on RWTP

Chapter 6


Faedon was jolted awake from her peaceful sleep at her mother's bark. She surged to her paws, and called back, "Yes, mother?" She shook the bits of moss and feathers out of her pelt.

"In my den." Senkah's voice was tense and urgent. Faedon rose to her paws, quickly making her way across the densite and going into the alpha's den. Her mother was waiting for her, while her father was heading out to go hunting with Aki, Zero, Sierra, and Thunder.

"What is it?" Faedon inquired with a bit of caution. Not much concerned her mother, and whatever it was that she was about to tell Faedon, it wasn't good.

Senkah lowered her voice to ensure that any possible eavesdroppers wouldn't b able to hear what she was saying. "Zero found a loner fleeing from Darkpack at the border earlier this morning."

Faedon furrowed her brows in suspicion. "So? How do we know she wasn't a spy?"

Senkah sighed. "We don't. But Hades and I talked earlier, and we've concluded that we'd be taking a bigger chance by throwing this loner out, who has just as much of a chance of being a spy as she might be telling the truth."

"Well then, why don't we send a spy to Darkpack, see if she speaks the truth?" Faedon challenged. "I'd do it." Faedon was a die hard thrill seeker, and she had no shame in admitting it. She lived for adventure.

"No. It's much too dangerous," Senkah countered. "If this wolf is a spy, Darkpack is going to find it awfully questionable if a wolf claiming to come from Stonepack comes to join them."

"But they don't know I'm from Stonepack," Faedon argued. "I can just rub off my scent in the river."

"Believe me, you're my daughter. If anyone outside this pack knows me, it's Atra, and she'd recognize you in a heartbeat. You don't know if they've seen you in the loner lands or not, either. Besides," Senkah licked her daughter's ear lovingly, "I don't want to put you in unnecessary danger."

Faedon shifted away when Senkah licked her ear. "Mom, I'm not a pup anymore," she grumbled. Although she knew that her mother had a point about Atra, she refused to admit it, so she just decided to take the easy way out and change the subject. "Anyways. What did the loner say?"

"She said that Atra and Kodiak were planning on targeting Emeraldpack first by luring away packmates that were loyal to them now. Then, they would attack with Darkpack, drive out Pinepack, and take their land. After that, they would take us on." Senkah left out the part about making sure that Senkah got to watch her friends and family die, before Atra would kill her herself.

Faedon bit her lip. "This ah, this isn't good."

"I know. That's why I need you to go and warn Emeraldpack's alphas. They're going to be targeted first, so they need to be warned as soon as possible."

Faedon nodded in understanding, and rose to her paws. "Will do, mother." She hopped out of the alpha's den, weaving around Stonepack's den and almost appearing as a blur as she raced away towards Emeraldpack's territory. She bounded over fallen trees, logs, and a stream. At last she reached the border, and she skidded to a halt, panting.

Should I cross? What if... Swallowing to stop her troubling thoughts, she placed a hesitant paw over the border, before resuming her sprint. She howled as she ran to alert the Emeraldpack wolves of her presence.

She nearly tripped as a lithe, light gray she-wolf leaped into her path, snarling. "Why are you here?" she snarled. In an instant, a slightly larger brown-gray he-wolf was by her side, eyeing Faedon with distrust.

Faedon recognized her as Lark, the Emeraldpack beta. "I bring an urgent message from Senkah!" she yelped, but refused to submit. She saw Storm, the alpha male, limp out of his den. A light growl rose in his throat as he stumbled along on the ground. He has a broken leg, she noted in her mind. Aki told me he was in that battle with Ameroq and Darkpack about a week ago. Ouch, that has to hurt. I don't know how I'd do it, having a broken leg. I'd be miserable not being able to run through the forests and mountains!

"What is it?" Storm growled at Faedon. Distrust was reflected in his yellow eyes as he glowered at the Stonepack she-wolf.

Lark turned to him. "She says that she needs to speak with both you and Nyx right away. I'll go get her." Lark turned and pelted away into the woods. Storm nodded; he started to pad out, before tripping again. Faedon resisted the urge to give him a sympathetic glance; he probably wouldn't take sympathy, especially from a wolf from another pack very well.

It took a while, but Nyx finally came back. She trotted into the alpha's den, and Faedon started to follow her, but stopped. She might be allowed to do that in Stonepack, since she was Senkah's daughter, but she certainly couldn't do that here. "Can I come in?" she asked tentatively. Nyx nodded slowly, and Faedon stepped inside.

"What is it you have to tell us?" Nyx asked, curling her midnight black tail around her paws. Her yellow eyes peered at Faedon in curiosity under furrowed brows.

Faedon was about to reply, when she felt a small paw touch her tail. She turned, and saw a young pup. She reeked of BeechTreeCreek, and Faedon wondered what she was doing here, and where her parents were. She didn't say anything, but was clearly displeased as the pup started climbing all over her. She twitched an ear irritably, looking up as Lark came over and growled to the pup, "Shoo!"

Faedon cleared her throat, waiting for the pup to go away. She made it clear with a glare to Nyx and Storm that she wasn't happy about the way she was being treated.

The pup fell down and crawled under Faedon's belly, nuzzling her soft fur as she tried to snuggle up next to her. "OUT!" Lark snapped, grabbing her scruff and roughly yanking her out from under Faedon.

Despite her displeasure with the pup, Faedon couldn't help but flinch. Isn't that a bit harsh? She's just a pup...

The pup started to cry, and squirmed in Lark's jaws. "Lark..." Nyx murmured, "She's just a pup..." She echoed the exact same thing that Faedon had been thinking.

Lark sighed. "Alright, alright, calm down," she ushered to the pup. "I'm going to find your parents." She trotted out of the den, taking her away.

Faedon breathed a sigh of relief as all the activity ended, and she could finally get a word in. I must've come at a bad time, she thought.

"Alright," Storm said, "what do you have to tell us, Faedon?" His tone was a bit lighter, but the wariness was still quite obvious.

Faedon cleared her throat. "A wolf overheard Atra's plans to take over the other packs last night. She said that Atra was planning to take over Emeraldpack first by luring wolves away."

Nyx didn't take it well. She yelped, "We don't have many wolves at the moment... and Storm's still healing... what are we supposed to do?!"

Faedon wanted to tell her to 'calm down,' but she stopped herself. "I don't know, but Senkah says that Stonepack is willing to help the other packs, should Darkpack attack."

"Thanks for warning us," Nyx sighed fretfully, "I'll have to warn the other wolves in the pack."

Faedon nodded, stepping out of the den and stretching her legs. She pelted back to the mountains, coming back to the densite. She saw Senkah carrying a sparrow in her jaws, getting ready to eat it. "Did you talk to them?" she asked.

"Yeah," Faedon nodded.

"Good. Thank you, Faedon."

"Sure thing."

Senkah turned and padded into her den to eat, while Faedon glanced around. "Hey," she barked when she saw the new wolf, apparently called Cedar. "You wanna go hunting?"

Cedar jumped, turning to look at Faedon. "S-sure," she stammered as she padded over to her, "What's your name?"

"I'm Faedon. Your name is Cedar, correct?"

"Yeah." Just then, Quartz came over.

"Can I come hunting with you?" Quartz asked.

"Sure," Faedon nodded, following a trail. "There's some elk this way!" she barked, and pelted away. Even if just for a moment, Faedon's concerns about Darkpack melted away.
Two chapters at once. Lucky you guys.

Chapter 7

A few months had passed since Cedar had joined Stonepack. Faedon's reddish-gray and white pelt waved in the wind as she pelted through the forest. Sierra, Cedar, and Aki flanked her; they were searching for a herd of elk or caribou, so that the pack could hunt. Faedon was in a cheerier mood today than she usually was.

"Hey, stop!" Aki suddenly barked. He skidded to a halt, and soft dirt and pine needles pillowed up into the air.

Faedon blinked in confusion, but slowed to a stop without question. Cedar bumped into her with a grunt, and lowered her head, whining in apology.

But Sierra was slower to listen. She kept on running for a few more meters, before she realized that her companions weren't following her. Confusion clouded her sky blue gaze. "Why? What's up?"

"Sierra, get-" Aki's commanding bark was cut short by another male voice. Faedon's hackles shot up uneasily; she didn't recognize the voice, and no one in her group probably recognized it, either.

"Hey!" The voice wasn't harsh or mean; it was actually quite friendly.

This only made Faedon even more uneasy. She caught a strong whiff of Darkpack, and she bit her lip. Is this... A Darkpack wolf?! Every grain of her instinct was screaming for her to run away, run as far as she could. But the pack code stated that no packmate could be abandoned in times of peril... and this could very well turn out to be one.

Sierra seemed to be just as uneasy about the Darkpack wolf as Faedon was. She curled her lip inward, baring sharp white fangs.

"Whoa, whoa... I'm not here to hurt you.. And as you can see, I'm staying on our territory." It was a male voice that was smooth and quite comforting. This made Faedon even more uneasy. "Are you alright?" the male inquired to Sierra. He seemed to be completely ignoring Faedon and Aki. Cedar must have been absolutely terrified; at this point, she had bolted away.

"Y-yes. I'm fine." Sierra replied through grit teeth. "Why are you asking me this? What do you care?"

"It looks like you sprained your paw earlier..."

"I'm fine! Alright?!" Sierra snapped.

"....... Okay..... um, my name is Timber. You are..?"

Sierra blinked a bit, before she replied in a slightly softer tone, "Sierra."

Faedon's jaw dropped. WHY would you share your name with a strange wolf who is also possibly from Darkpack?! "Don't be stupid, Sierra!" she barked.

Aki must have thought the same thing. "SIERRA!" he roared furiously. "Get your tail back on this side of the border!"

Sierra yelped, and started. Timber's yellow eyes widened, and he turned, bolting away back into the shadows of Darkpack's land. "B-but Aki..!" she started to protest, but Aki cut her off.

Aki surged forwards and grasped Sierra's scruff roughly in his jaws. He dragged her back over the border, and roughly dropped her back onto the ground. "What were you thinking?!" he barked furiously. "You do not share your name with a strange wolf, and certainly not a Darkpack wolf!"

"Aki, he was just-" Sierra stammered. Faedon wondered why in the world she would be jumping to a Darkpack wolf's defense.

"I don't want to hear it!" Aki growled. "You could have been killed! Darkpack is our enemy, not our friend!" Aki's hard eyes bore down into Sierra's. "I don't ever want to see you doing this again. Understand?"

"Yes," Sierra yelped. "I'm sorry!"

"Good," Aki growled. "You better be." Sierra stumbled to her paws, and shook out the dust. With haste, she trotted back to the densite, while Aki and Faedon fell behind. Aki sighed deeply, closing his eyes softly. He was deeply troubled by all of the sudden activity from Darkpack.

Faedon gently brushed her muzzle through Aki's fur. She blinked a bit, and stepped back; she had surprised herself with the gesture. Why did I do that? Aki had seemed surprised, too, but he blinked back at her gratefully.

But Aki and Faedon hadn't been the only witnesses to Sierra's talk with Timber. Two shadowy figures on Darkpack's side of the border watched silently, their eyes glinting with malice. As Aki and Faedon left, they turned and slipped back into the shadows.


Faedon sat in the shadow of the alpha's rock. It had been a couple of days since Sierra had spoken to that unsettling Darkpack wolf. The setting sun was casting long shadows across the densite, and the sky was shining with a warm orange glow. The densite was bustling with activity this evening. Faedon didn't see Sierra, but she figured that she must have been out hunting or something. Thunder and Rain were lining the floor of their den with a new deer pelt, and Nebrivo was offering Quartz a decent-sized trout. The pack was growing increasingly aware of the signs that Nebrivo was in love with Quartz, and vice versa; it was clear that it was only a matter of time until the two became mates.

The thought suddenly gave Faedon an unexpected pang at her heart. She blinked a bit, Why am I bothered by that? Faedon didn't really understand why.

"Hey, Faedon!"

Faedon looked up when she heard a voice. Aki's handsome form was standing in front of her with shining yellow eyes. Those eyes... they were so mesmerizing to Faedon. She felt as though she could stare into their depths forever.

She blinked when she realized she was staring. She rose to her paws with a smile, and replied rather cheerfully for her snappy attitude, "Hey, Aki!"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come hunting with me. There's only bones left of the caribou we hunted a couple days ago."

Faedon's tail wagged at the prospect of hunting with Aki. "That would be great!"

Aki nodded, and with a grin, led her out of the densite at a brisk trot. Faedon flanked him, and stayed close to his side.

They picked their way up the side of a mountain. To most wolves, the rocks would be painful and would tear their pads, but because Faedon and Aki had lived here their whole lives, their paws were tough and callused.

"I saw a herd of caribou from here earlier today," Faedon suggested as she looked towards a crag in the mountainside. She padded over, and peered down the side; indeed, the herd she'd seen earlier was still moving through. They were stopping to graze before nightfall.

Aki padded over to her to check it out. "Yup, down there," Aki nodded.

"You think we can make it before the sun goes down?" Faedon inquired.

"If we hurry, pro-" Aki was cut short as a distant scream split the air. Faedon's ears shot up, and she looked around in alarm.

"What was that..?!" Her hunter eyes widened in fear.

"That sounded like... Sierra!"

Faedon swallowed hard as her mind drifted back to the Darkpack wolf from a few days before. Oh no...
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LOL, give me a few minutes. Next is Cedar's perspective again. I really enjoy(ed) writing in her perspective.
Wow...yeah, this is different...I want to know why Ameroq keeps showing up....didn't happen in the last story, did it?
ETA: Do you have a pack territory map?

On the first RWTP roleplay, Ameroq was Chicken Tamer's pack. When she first joined, her character Jello started a fight with Storm in the loner lands. Jello was the brother of Kapu, the alpha male of Ameroq. Ameroq's not gonna have a major role, in honor of Chicken Tamer; I just reference it because it was a pretty important pack.

And yes, I do. gimme a sec
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Sorry bout that. I had to edit the RP's map since Ameroq and BeechTreeCreek don't exist on the current RWTP RP
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Chapter 8

After finishing a pheasant, Cedar plucked out its soft downy feathers, and weaved them onto some moss. She was building her new nest, as her old one was starting to fall apart. She glanced around every now and then to observe the densite as she did so. This is way better than those mucky holes in Darkpack, she thought. She'd been in Stonepack for about two months now. Although she'd remained firm on her act and feelings on the other wolves, she had to admit, she liked the territory and densite. It'll be all ours soon, she thought, suppressing a smirk. Everything was going as planned; every night she met up with Kodiak and Atra, and sometimes Akira and Luna in the loner land and she rolled in the mud to cover up the scents of Darkpack. They hadn't been discovered yet, and Cedar was going to keep it that way.

She dragged it into her den, nestling it into the warmest corner of the den. She trotted out and glanced around at the densite, observing the other wolves as they milled about. Although dawn had broken a couple hours ago, the morning was still fairly young. Talons of hunger gnawed at her stomach as it growled, and she looked around to see if any of the other wolves were going to start a hunt that she could join.

Thunder and Rain were sitting together by their den, basking in a warm ray of sunlight. Nike was prancing around and playing catch with a stick with Fyra and Echo. Ash, the pack’s oldest packmate, was watching the younger wolves play with a wistful look in his gentle yellow eyes. Senkah and Hades sat on the alpha rock together, observing their pack with a proud gleam in their shining eyes. Zero and Sierra were talking as they padded back into the densite, and Nebrivo was offering Quartz a sparrow.

Cedar couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the affection that Thunder and Rain, Senkah and Hades, and Nebrivo and Quartz were expressing to one another. Sheesh. All they do is give each other moon eyes all day. Love sure makes wolves stupid. She paused for a second to pick a pine needle out of the pad of her paw. I hope- no, I won’t ever fall in love.

Cedar padded out into the center of the densite. She spotted Aki over by the alpha rock, and she grinned when he realized he was organizing a hunt. Nice. She trotted over to him, and barked a greeting.

“Hey, Cedar. Are you joining us on a hunt?” Aki waved his tail in a friendly greeting.

“Yeah, I’m starved. Who else is joining us?”

“Faedon’s coming.” Aki rasped his tongue over a patch of fur on his chest.

Just then, Faedon trotted up with the white she-wolf Sierra by her side. “Sierra’s coming, too,” she said to Aki. “You coming too, Cedar?”


“Let’s go!” Sierra yipped cheerfully, and bolted out of the densite and into the forest. Although she was much more mature than her twin brother, Nike, she still had lots of puphood energy, and she got playful every now and then.

Faedon sighed a bit at Sierra’s hyper attitude, while Aki just smirked. Cedar flanked them as they set out into the forest, sniffing the air every now and then for scents of elk or caribou on the wind. Cedar’s mouth watered at the overwhelming scents of mouse, rabbit, sparrow, and vole, but she resisted the urge to pursue the trails.

Cedar swallowed a bit uncomfortably as she observed her surroundings. We’re awfully close to the Darkpack border… She hoped that they wouldn’t encounter any Darkpack wolves while they were there. It was unlikely, but if it happened… and the wolf recognized her… it wouldn’t be pretty. She shuddered just at the mere thought.

Faedon was bolting ahead to keep up with Sierra. Cedar picked up her pace when Aki did so, but was more than a little concerned. Should we be running this close to the border?

“Hey, stop!” Aki suddenly barked. He skidded to a halt, and soft dirt and pine needles pillowed up into the air. Faedon blinked in confusion, but slowed to a stop and didn’t question him. Cedar bumped into her and she grunted. She lowered her head and whined in apology, but Faedon didn’t seem to notice.

Sierra, however, on the other hand didn’t seem to hear the command. She only slowed to a stop when she realized that Faedon, Aki, and Cedar had stopped running with her. She looked back at Aki in confusion. “Why? What’s up?”

“Sierra, get-“ Aki’s sentence was cut short when another voice piped up. Cedar’s heart tumbled, and her eyes widened to the size of full moons in panic.


“Hey!” Timber’s voice was light-hearted and friendly, just as Cedar remembered it. Timber wasn’t your typical Darkpack wolf; he was fun-loving and kind. Kodiak and Atra disliked him for this, and frankly, they were probably just looking for an excuse to cast him out of the pack. Although Timber had these friendly traits, he still possessed some kind of darkness in his heart; he never said no to a fight, and always participated in battles. This, along with the fact that he was the younger brother of one of the most trusted wolves in the pack, was probably the only reason that Atra and Kodiak kept him.

Cedar’s paws were planted onto the ground in fear, and she couldn’t run. Faedon’s hackles rose and Sierra bared her teeth at the dark brown he-wolf. Timber had dark muddy brown fur, with white ears, paws, muzzle, and he had a white patch on his chest. The tip of his tail was also white, but it had a ring of black bordering around it, and he had bright yellow eyes.

“Whoa, whoa… I’m not here to hurt you… and as you can see, I’m staying on our side of the border.”

Cedar didn’t even stick around to hear the rest of what Timber was saying. She whirled around with lightning speed and bolted away back into the mountains. Adrenaline surged through her veins, and her heart hammered away in her chest so quickly that she thought it might fly right out. She didn’t know where she was going; the only thing that mattered was that she got away.

Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no....!

Cedar kept running until her chest hurt so much that she couldn’t run anymore. She gasped for air hungrily; she was breathing so fast that she was almost starting to hyperventilate.

Calm down… she ushered herself in her mind. Just calm down… panicking won’t help. He didn’t sell me out… but what if he is right now? Bile rose in Cedar’s throat, and she quickly swallowed. STOP!

Cedar took a good look at her surroundings. She got a sinking feeling in her chest when she realized that she didn’t recognize the territory around her. She whirled around, desperately hoping that it was just the angle she was looking at the territory from. But as luck would have it… she still didn’t recognize it.

She was lost.

“Hello?!” she howled with desperation. “Aki?! Faedon! Senkah! Anyone?” Her voice echoed off the sides of the mountains, but for several long, agonizing minutes, there was no response. Panic began to set in. What would Kodiak and Atra do if she didn’t arrive on time, or even return at all? What about Aki?

Wait, what?

Cedar surprised herself at the thought, and it briefly distracted her from her panic. Why would I be concerned about what would happen to Aki? He’s an enemy! Either way, that didn’t matter now. Cedar needed to find her way back… and fast, before the others noticed she was missing.

Cedar looked around quickly again to observe her surroundings one last time. She figured that coming back the way she had come would be the best idea… but that was easier said than done. Her mind had been focused on fleeing when she’d bolted like that, and she hadn’t exactly been paying attention to her surroundings.

She was on the slope of a rocky hill, near a mountain. It was very steep, and Cedar wondered how she could have possibly gotten up there, even when she had been in a panic. Taking a tentative step forward, she started to pick her way down, when…


Cedar yelped as a rock slipped out from under her paws. She scrabbled her paws to try and catch herself, but that was no use. Her legs slipped out from under her, and with a yelp, she crashed onto the ground. She cried out in pain as her paw twisted awkwardly underneath her. “Ow ow ow ow ow ow…” She grit her teeth and whimpered under her breath.

“Great! Don’t tell me I just sprained my paw!” Cedar growled to herself. “A sprained paw… when I’m lost… This is stupid!”


Cedar’s ears shot up, and hope surged through her. Aki? “Aki! I’m here! Oh, thank goodness!”

The muscular form of Aki loped over to her. Concern washed over his face. “Cedar, are you alright? That looks like it hurts…”

“Yeah. It does. I sprained it.” Cedar didn’t mean to be curt with him, but that was how she sounded.

“Do you need help?”

“If you don’t mind…” Cedar rose to her paws. She started to stumble, but Aki caught her just in time. Cedar blinked as she got a weird feeling in her chest when their pelts touched, but she brushed it off. “Thanks, Aki.”

“Not a problem.” Aki smiled at her kindly. “I can lead you back.”

“Yeah, that’d be great. I got kinda lost…” she smiled sheepishly.

Aki nodded in understanding. He turned and started to pad back, and Cedar followed him, favoring her paw as she did so. She could feel the wall she’d put up around herself to prevent her from growing close to the Stonepack wolves slipping away with Aki, and she desperately wanted to strengthen it again… but for some reason, she just couldn’t.

Maybe I can convince him to join, she pondered, before she snorted. Heh. Snowball’s chance in Lupus. Aki loves his pack more than life itself. Cedar frowned to herself as she and Aki got closer and closer to the densite.

…I’m gonna regret ever agreeing to this mission, won’t I?

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