Horizon's End: A Wolf Story based on RWTP

Chapter 12

Although the silence lasted for only a blip of a second, to Faedon it seemed like an eternity. The wolves had stopped fighting, if just for a second, to see if the scream had been a command from the alphas. Snarls and echoes of snapping jaws erupted in the air again, and Faedon flinched as the sound hit her sensitive ears. It was enough to break her out of her almost reverie-like state, as she stared in disbelief at Timber's motionless body. She was awestruck that Kodiak, after a few seconds of catching his breath, could just turn away and disappear back into the battle.

How can you just take a life like that, and keep going on like nothing happened?! Faedon actually felt herself quivering; she couldn't tell if it was from fear or fury. That is true heartlessness.

With a bit of reluctance, she stepped forward and sniffed Timber's still-warm body. Mixed in with the rank scents of Darkpack and blood, there was death, alright. It was just beginning to set in, mixing with the other scents to create one revolting stench.

Faedon felt a twinge jab at her heart deep within her soul as she gazed down into Timber's glazed eyes, reflecting the defiance and yet the terror he'd experienced before he had died. Although Faedon distrusted and disliked Timber just as she felt about any other wolf of Darkpack, she couldn't help but feel bad about his death. He'd been brave, and he'd saved Sierra's life. Faedon glanced back over to the unconscious form of Sierra nearby. As furious as she was with Sierra, she was still a wolf of Stonepack, and she didn't deserve to die.

Even if you were a wolf of Darkpack, and a traitorous one at that, you were brave enough to stand up against your alpha and save my packmate. Faedon, cringing against the rank mixture of scents, touched her nose to his neck for just a second; not as a sign of grief, but respect. She raised her head when she heard a voice behind her.


Faedon got a sinking feeling in her chest when she heard Sierra's voice. She's not gonna like this. "Yeah?" Faedon's gaze hardened a bit as she looked back to Sierra. It was your fault that he died. Faedon didn't care so much that Timber himself died, but a life had still been taken, simply because of Sierra's selfish decision.

"H-he's dead, isn't he?" Sierra's voice was quiet and choked. Faedon didn't want to seem heartless- she'd just seen heartless when she'd seen Kodiak just charge back into battle after killing Timber, but whatever- but she knew if she opened her mouth, she'd just chastise Sierra, so instead she just gave her a curt nod and stepped away. Sierra whimpered, and draped her paws over Timber's cooling body, She buried her nose into his fur, and sobs racked her body as she cried. "Timber..."

Faedon felt bad... that she didn't feel bad for Sierra. It's your fault that he died. Faedon bit her tongue so that she didn't say these words out loud. Senkah would severely reprimand Sierra for this, no doubt... that was enough. Faedon would know.

Faedon's ears shot up as she heard a bellow come from Kodiak. Is he doing a roll call? She saw Moss and Ebony scrambling towards the source of the shout. She could see the blue-gray and white form of Kodiak, standing at the edge of the clearing with blazing eyes. And then, as Faedon began to observe the scuffles around her, she could see why.

Thunder, who was utterly exhausted, was standing between his unconscious mate and Nighta. He weakly snarled a warning for Nighta to get away, but as the nature of the Darkpack wolves, Nighta didn't listen. Nike was barely coherent, and was having to fight to stay on his paws. Zero, although exhausted, managed to toss Moonsky aside and catch a score on Reed's muzzle as he whizzed past her. As Ebony lunged for him, Ash hooked a paw around his shoulders and threw him down to the ground roughly. Quartz was clinging to consciousness, and probably her life by a mere thread; she was fighting to stay awake, as she knew that if she fell asleep, she wouldn't wake up. An exhausted and badly wounded Nebrivo forced himself to stand beside her, guarding and protecting her from the Darkpack wolves who tried to take advantage of her weakness, despite his rapidly draining energy.

Why are Thunder and Nebrivo not taking Rain and Quartz back to the densite, for Lupine's sake? Faedon thought tartly. It's idiotic not to. Stonepack was losing ground fast... but then again, so was Darkpack.

Akira was exhausted, and her back leg was a bit crooked. Nighta was exhausted, too, and he had many slashes and scores sliced open all over his body, spilling rivulets of blood into his black fur. Moss was out of the fight without question; she was barely standing herself from all of the large slashes and gashes gouging into her white pelt, which was stained almost entirely red from all of the blood. Tawny was faring worse than Moss, and she was leaning onto Luna for support. Reed and Moonsky were losing strength by the second, and at this rate they wouldn't be in the fight for very long. There wasn't any question about Ebony, either; Ash was standing with triumph over his exhausted, bloodied, and defeated body. The she-wolf Faedon had fought earlier was fighting to stand, and stumbled every few seconds. Her nose was barely attached to her muzzle. Faedon felt a spark of triumph, Serves you right, Darkmutt!

Kodiak pinned his ears back flat against his skull at Stonepack's wolves, and especially Senkah, who stood with pride and defiance at the opposite side of the clearing. Finally, he roared, "This isn't the end, Stonepack!" His howl echoed across the mountains. The snarls were finally starting to hush. "You may have won this battle. But we will win the war! Our master plan has already been set into motion, and you will be the first to fall!" He closed his eyes tightly, before he growled to his pack, "Come on, Darkpack. Return!"

As he turned tail and began to sprint away, Darkpack's wolves reluctantly flanked him. A smirk pulled up at the corners of Senkah's muzzle, and she jeered after him, "We know your stupid plan, Darkmutts! It will fail, just as all of you do at life!"

Atra's autumn leaf golden eyes blazed like the hottest fire as she glowered at Senkah. "Ha! You only think you do, sister. You'll find out soon... but by then, it'll be too late!"

"Go home, Atra! Run away!" Senkah howled.

Atra grit her teeth and growled with the ferocity of a great storm. Her limbs quivered with the effort of resisting lunging at her sister... and seconds later, she turned tail and sprinted after Kodiak and Darkpack's fleeing forms.

Senkah's sides heaved as she caught her breath. A cool, satisfied smirk took her muzzle, and she tilted her head back, howling a triumphant song to the heavens above. Hades joined her, and Faedon grinned as she tilted her head back and added her own notes to the chorus. Soon, all of Stonepack had joined in; the song echoed off the sides of the mountains, and reached the heavens above. Even Quartz added a few weak barks of her own to the song.

"Stonepack, return." Senkah beckoned her pack with her tail as she turned and began to pad back to Stonepack's land. The many slashes and scores she had slicing into her pelt gave her midnight black fur a crimson hue. Although pride shone in her eyes from Stonepack's victory, there was also fury and hatred.

As the pack started to file in behind Senkah, carrying wolves or leaning onto other wolves for support if necessary, Faedon noticed that Sierra was still laying over the body of Timber. "Mother?" Faedon picked up her pace just enough to catch up to Senkah, "Sierra's staying by Timber's side."

"Then go get her." Senkah's voice was eerily calm... almost too calm, given that she was walking away from a battle. "I want to see her in my den immediately if not sooner when she gets back to the densite."

Oh boy Sierra... you're gonna be in heaps of trouble when you get back. Faedon almost felt sorry for her. Almost. "Yes, mother. And... will we do anything with Timber's body? I mean, I know he's from Darkpack, but he saved Sierra's life..."

"I saw. We won't do anything." Senkah's voice was firm and confident; Faedon recognized this tone, and she knew that when Senkah had it, any argument would result in getting verbally torn into. "Scum from Darkpack does not deserve to lie with the graves of great Stonepack wolves. It's not on our land, anyway, and therefore not our problem."

Faedon saw where she was coming from, but wasn't sure if she liked it. Timber had saved Sierra's life... wouldn't it be nice to show him a bit of respect and at least bury him, instead of leaving the vultures to pick his bones clean like carrion?

"Go get Sierra, please. She'll cry over him until she falls asleep if we let her."

"Y-yes mother." Faedon was slightly reluctant, but she obliged and turned around. She sprinted back down the hill the pack had started to crest, and picked her way over to Sierra. Her ears flattened in a bit of annoyance as she headed towards Sierra. "Sierra?"

The white she-wolf sniffled. Raising her head, she looked back at Faedon with teary blue eyes. "Yes, Faedon?" Her voice was barely a whisper, and it was hoarse from all the sobbing.

"Senkah wants to see you in her den pronto." Faedon's pity for the wrath Sierra was going to face when she got back was hidden by the fury she had for starting all of this. All because she had been hopelessly infatuated with a wolf from a pack that wanted Stonepack, its wolves, and their offspring dead and gone without a trace, and she just had to run and prance around with him like a lovestruck pup. Frankly, if Faedon was alpha, she would have exiled Sierra's tail right then and there. But who knows what Senkah was going to do. Exile's the easy way out. Senkah's harsher than that.

Sierra whimpered a bit, "Alright." She rose to her paws, and shuffled after Faedon. As they crested the hill, she whined softly, "I'm going to be in so much trouble, won't I...?"

Faedon didn't even answer. No crap, she thought to herself tartly. Figure that all out on your own, genius? To say that Faedon was furious about the whole thing was the greatest understatement ever made.

They scaled the mountains, and picked their way through the forest. Eventually, they made it back to the densite; Faedon noticed that Sierra was getting more and more nervous as they got closer. Sierra slowly slunk over to the alpha's den, but hesitated. "Go in," Faedon urged her on coldly. Sierra bit her lip, nodded, and obliged.

Faedon sighed as she looked away; she wasn't even sure if the sigh was out of exasperation, exhaustion, pity, or a mix of all three. As the adrenaline from the heat of the battle subsided, she could feel exhaustion seeping into her bones, gripping her and threatening to cause her to pass out. Pain pulsed from the many wounds she had scored across her pelt; some were just mere annoyances, and others caused her great discomfort. Her limbs quivered under her weight, and for a brief passing moment, she wondered if she even had the strength to drag herself over to her den. How were Quartz, Nebrivo, Rain, Zero...? Faedon didn't even care for the moment. What about Aki?

Faedon's eyes snapped open wide to the size of saucers. Aki! Is he alright?! Her heart began to thrum in her chest, and a wave of worry nearly overwhelmed her. Was he okay? And how badly had he been wounded? With anxiety tingling in her paws, she loped to his den, almost a bit scared of what she might find. She stuck her head inside, and called softly, "Aki?! Aki!"

"Faedon?" Aki's tired voice came from the back of the den. "What is it?" The moonlight spilled into the mouth of the den, showing the outline of Aki's form.

"Aki, are you alright?" Faedon's green eyes were wide with worry. "How badly wounded are you?"

"Faedon, I'm fine," he sighed. He rose to his paws, stumbling a bit and catching himself with a grunt before he fell. Faedon felt a wave of pity for him; his handsome gray, red-tipped, and white fur was caked with drying blood. He had countless slashes, cuts, and gashes scoring into his pelt; his chest had a large gash; his muzzle had three long slashes, which would obviously scar; yet, Faedon was almost overjoyed to see that he still had a proud gleam in his eyes. Even if his eyes changed color, or otherwise changed completely, Faedon would forever be able to recognize them as Aki's. He had a proud shine in them that no other wolf had, and that was one thing that Faedon admired so much about him.

"Sorry," she apologized. "I was just worried, you know..."

"I understand." Aki gave her a kind smile, but it was halfhearted. But a second later, he looked a bit concerned. "Hey, have you seen Cedar? I haven't seen her since this afternoon."

"She's sleeping in her den. She couldn't fight; she sprained her paw a few days ago and it's still healing."

"Oh." Aki looked relieved. "Thank you, Faedon. I'll see you tomorrow."

"G'night, Aki." Faedon blinked as she felt the urge to nuzzle him. What the heck, Faedon?! Mentally, she kicked herself. You don't nuzzle a packmate goodnight! You only do that when you're a pup, or... she suppressed a gag, when you're mates with somebody. Gross! You're sick, Faedon. Berating herself in her mind, Faedon turned and loped back over to her den.

She glanced up at the twinkling stars above as she made her way over to her den. The stars and the mysterious band that stretched across the sky were fading as the sky became lighter and milky. Dawn would break soon. Inwardly, Faedon groaned. Oh, great. I'll have a great time getting back on a regular sleeping schedule. Sighing, she ducked into her den, and coiled up in her nest. So much had happened in one night, so quickly, and it was just too much to process at once. The emerald-eyed she-wolf was asleep before her head hit the moss.
BIG post though...
Not a wolf story fan but I love your writing talents.
Chapter 13

Give or take a few days, about two weeks had passed since the battle with Darkpack. Cedar's sprained paw had healed, and the majority of the wounds that the other wolves had were healing nicely. Some of the wolves, such as Quartz, would bear scars, likely for the rest of their lives. But such was the life of a pack wolf; scars and marks were inevitable, out here in this world where survival of the fittest was nature's law.

But the internal wounds would take much longer to heal. Many wolves were bitter and furious with Sierra over the trouble she had caused, and what she had done. While it was generally frowned upon, yet not explicitly forbidden for a wolf to take a loner or a wolf from a different pack as a mate, taking a mate from Darkpack was an entirely different league. Because Darkpack's entire purpose when Nox had founded it all those years ago was solely to drive out or massacre the other packs, no other pack trusted them, even when Nox had been killed and Darkpack was forced to become a peaceful pack. The danger of taking a mate from Darkpack was that, if a skirmish started, and a wolf from one pack met its mate from the other pack in battle, they would not be able to fight them. Either this, or they might attack their own packmates if their packmate had their mate pinned.

And that was exactly what had happened in that battle, Cedar had learned. Kodiak had nearly killed Sierra, and when Timber had seen this, he had attacked Kodiak. While this had saved Sierra, it had costed Timber his life. Frankly, a death had probably been inevitable. If Timber hadn't stepped in, either Sierra would have died, or someone else would have stepped in and gotten themselves killed instead.

Cedar pondered on this for a second. A few months ago she would have felt bad; not that Timber had died, oh no. Sympathy and love for a packmate wasn't something that Darkpack wolves were probably capable of; they were loyal to each other and their pack because they believed that they worked together for a greater cause than themselves. But disappointed that Darkpack had one less number, one less wolf to slay the wolves of the other packs, and that a Stonepack wolf had survived instead. But now, to be honest... Cedar was just numb to it. She didn't care at all. Sure, Timber had died... but what did that matter? She hardly knew him; and besides... did she even want to destroy Stonepack? With kind wolves like Aki in it-

She smacked herself mentally. Cedar, get a grip on yourself! Of course you want to destroy Stonepack! You're here on a mission, and you're going to complete it. You're only feeling like this because... because... Cedar faltered a bit on that thought, and it trailed off. Why was she feeling like this? Why did she feel like Stonepack was almost better than Darkpack?

Cedar didn't even have time to answer that question. She lifted her head, and her ears pricked as she heard a distant, yet loud pop echo somewhere in the mountains. Was that... thunder? She looked up at the sky. No, it can't be. There isn't a cloud in the sky this morning! Seconds later, several more pops rang out. Cedar bit her lip; curiosity gnawed at her pelt, and she couldn't stand it any longer. She was determined to find out what these strange sounds were. She rose to her paws, and sprinted for the entrance.


Cedar skidded to a stop when she heard Quartz bark at her suddenly. She twitched an ear as though she was shooing away a fly in annoyance; as kind as Quartz was, she had a bad habit of showing up at the worst possible times. But she didn't snap at her; perhaps Quartz knew what the strange pops were. "What is it?"

Quartz's brow was furrowed in concern, and fear glimmered in her yellow eyes. "Those are hunters."

Hunters? Cedar stiffened. Her form became rigid, and the hair along her spine rose with unease. "They won't come here, will they?" Although Cedar had never seen or heard hunters herself, she had heard stories from both her puphood and Darkpack about them. Her mother told her that her father had been shot by hunters before she and her brother, who was named Starling, were born. She noticed that the pack was starting to murmur with unease and tension amongst themselves, and they were forming a crowd around the alpha's rock.

"Probably not," Senkah murmured. The fact that Senkah put extra emphasis on "probably" didn't reassure Cedar one bit.

"Aki's going to check it out," Hades added as he climbed up onto the alpha's rock and sat beside his mate.

Cedar suddenly felt a prick of alarm. Aki's going out alone with the hunters?! She was about to speak up about this, but Zero spoke before she did.

"But he could get shot out there!" Zero yelped. "The last time those hunters came around, somebody DIED!" She was officially freaked out about either Aki going out alone, the hunters coming around, or both. Every hair on her pelt was prickling with anxiety.

"I know! But there's a risk of someone getting shot every time they come," Senkah barked. "If someone doesn't survey how close they are, and the direction they're going in, we'll be in much bigger danger if they come this way! At least Aki is brave enough to do it!"

The pack was in an uproar. Cedar had to admit that she was anxious, too, but not just for her own safety. Oh Aki, please be okay... She'd stopped fighting her attachment to Aki a while back; it was becoming increasingly apparent that it was pointless.

"Everyone, just calm down!" Hades howled above the worried wails and murmurs to silence the pack. After a few seconds, the uproar died down. "We're going to be fine as long as you stay in your dens and do not panic. If you panic, you'll do stupid things that will let them know where you are. If you do as I say, they'll pass this place by, if they even come this way. They may very well just stay over in Emeraldpack, or go to Pinepack. Come on, every wolf goes through this! They come by every single year right before winter starts."

"But what about BeechTreeCreek, or the other packs?" Faedon yelped. Cedar couldn't help noticing how concerned she was about BeechTreeCreek. "They have pups!"

Why in the name of Lupine are you worried about a pack that you hardly even know exists because it is so far away, of all things, at this time? Cedar thought rather tartly.

"What happens, happens. It's not on our land, and therefore not our problem, and I won't risk Stonepack lives." Senkah's voice was firm and gave no room for arguments from her daughter, or any of the other wolves for that matter.

Just then, Aki came skidding into camp. Gravel and tiny stones flew, and dust pillowed up from the ground in two opposite rays. "They're in Emeraldpack's land," he panted. "They're going into the direction of Pinepack. It doesn't look like they're coming this way."

"That's good," Senkah remarked. "Now-"

"But," Aki added, cutting Senkah off, which rather irritated her, "there's a loner in our land. She's been chased here by the hunters, and she's been shot and badly wounded. We can't just leave her out there!"

"Aki, calm down!" Senkah barked sharply; she'd had enough. Aki was silenced. "We'll do something." For a split second, she gave Hades and Faedon an odd look. Hades returned a grave expression, and Faedon blinked. "Cedar, Faedon. I want you to go back out with Aki and help him track down the loner." She gave Faedon another strange look. Realization flooded Faedon's green gaze, and she bit her lip. Curiosity tugged at Cedar's pelt, but she stayed silent. She began to ponder on it as she went out into the forest with Faedon and Aki.

What was Senkah telling Faedon and Hades? Cedar wondered. Is it some type of Stonepack code, or... she swallowed, Are they onto me?

Cedar was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a howl. She saw Aki race alongside a hunter in the cover of the forest, and she saw one of the hunters trip. Aki burst from the shrubs and tackled the hunter down a slope, silencing him before he could scream. He dodged back into the undergrowth and ran ahead once more. Cedar sprinted after him, but skidded to a halt in fear when she heard a defeaning shot.

Aki slipped ahead of the hunter, then turned and leapt in front of him. He bared his teeth and growled; bristling down to his tail and looking twice as large, he looked truly fearsome. His long fangs gleamed as he lifted his lips, and his ears pinned to his head as a blood lusting snarling ripped up from his throat. The human started, frightened by the sudden appearance of the furious wolf.

Aki snapped and blood red anger clouded his mind. He went in low and ripped the man's leg open. Then, he grabbed the tossed gun and disappeared into the shadows. He watched the man struggle to his feet, limping. Aki growled. "Let's see how you like being hunted," he growled with hatred, looking at the blood trail the man left. He started to drag the gun over to a cliff.

Cedar was horrified. Those humans had guns- and Aki had attacked them just like that? He could get himself, or worse, every other wolf in Stonepack shot! She pelted up beside him, and yelped, "Aki! What did you just do?!"

Aki narrowed his eyes, and he wheeled around to face her. "It's called justice!" he barked. "The hunter will wander onto another wolf, or even another creature, who will hunt him and he will experience and understand the terror we go through."

"But the humans have guns!" Cedar didn't even care that she was raising her voice at a wolf who was higher in rank than she was. "And they have packs, too! His packmates will want revenge on us," Cedar protested. "Do you want to get us shot?!"

Faedon, who had gone almost completely unnoticed by Cedar up until now, finally snapped. "Cedar, just shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!"

Aki gave Faedon a warning look that clearly said, I'll handle this. You stay out of it. And then, with the sudden movement of a mouse, Aki swiftly snapped his jaws at the air around Cedar's ears. Cedar flinched and ducked away out of instinct, although Aki had purposely missed. He was sick and tired of disrespect, and he needed to make a point. "I am your beta, Cedar, whether you like it or not. I am your leader out here, and you do not disrespect me."

Cedar crept backwards. With anger burning in her gaze, she stared back at him with defiance. "Yeah well, let's see what Senkah and Hades have to say about that." She whirled around and starte storming her way back to the densite. Anger and indignance. How dare he! I'm not even a wolf of Stonepack! She was dying to whirl around and shout just that back at Aki, but she didn't, for obvious reasons. What kind of stupid did it take to reveal that you were a spy, just so you could win an argument? Fury boiled in Cedar's veins, and she stopped, staring at her paws with burning eyes. I'll kill you one day, Aki, one day... Cedar blinked a bit at that thought, and following that, she felt just awful. Why would I ever think that? I don't want to kill him... Now, instead of indignation and outrage burning her pelt, she only felt remorse. I've just snapped at the second most powerful wolf in the pack, and then threatened to sell him out. Maybe I should just quit the mission, if I'm going to be such a jerk. She then snorted to herself, and the half of her mind that was still Darkpack took over again, if just for a split second. Ha! Just being here on this mission is being a jerk, Cedar. A huge understatement. You're helping your pack destroy them, for Lupine's sake! Cedar sighed, and bit her lip.

Cedar looked up when she saw paws standing in front of her out of the corner of her vision. She raised her head, and saw Aki slowly padding towards her. "Cedar," he whined softly, "I'm sorry." He licked her muzzle to show that he was being honest. "It's just- I was mad at the humans, and they bring back bad memories."

Cedar bit her lip. She stole a glance at her paws again, before she realized that she was creating an awkward silence. To break it, she inquired, "Wh-what do you mean?" She then realized that it was probably a personal question, and mentally kicked herself.

Aki looked into her eyes, and tried to hold that gaze, but he just couldn't. He glanced away, and sighed. "My... my mate was killed by hunters," he whimpered as he thought back to that terrible, terrible day. "But they were cruel about-" He stopped abruptly; he couldn't talk about it anymore without breaking down in front of Cedar. He hung his head.

"Oh..." Cedar murmured. She was now starting to feel a bit guilty about asking him that question.

He picked up his head. "Anyways," he said a bit awkwardly, "I'm sorry."

Cedar felt the need to comfort him. This wasn't his fault, and he shouldn't be apologizing; she had been the one to snap in the first place. "I shouldn't have snapped at you." Hesitantly, she brushed her muzzle into the fur on his shoulder. She felt something stirring, deep within her chest. It felt warm, and... Cedar almost wanted to reject it. Almost. But even if she tried, she couldn't have.

"Don't apologize," Aki insisted. "You were right; I was being reckless, and mean. And I especially never should have tried to bite you." He licked her muzzle again, and Cedar got that feeling in her chest again. "Did I hurt you?" Aki inquired.

Cedar shook her head. "No. I'm still going to tell the alphas about the hunters, but not about you."

He backed away. "Thanks. Oh, by the way, tell them that Faedon's going to look for that loner." He turned and loped away, back into the densite. Cedar took a similar trail, and once she was there, she retreated into her den.

She gazed up at the sky, before she glanced around and observed the densite again. She saw Quartz and Nebrivo retreating into their own den; they were talking about having pups soon, hopefully in the spring. "If I ever have a pup one day," Cedar murmured to herself, "I'm naming it Maple." She didn't care that Faedon, whose den was right beside hers, had heard her.

Cedar pondered if she would ever have a mate and pups one day. Maybe Aki- she cut the thought off before it finished. NO! What are you thinking, Cedar? He's a Stonepack wolf. I don't even like Aki that way, anyway. I don't like him at all. Cedar retreated further into her den. C'mon, Cedar, you know what love does to wolves. They act like idiots around their mate, and they do stupid stuff that gets them killed. Just look at Timber. Cedar's gaze hardened, but it began to falter. I don't like Aki... I hate him. He will die with the rest of Stonepack... and I'll enjoy it...!

But deep down, Cedar knew she was only kidding herself. She'd realized her feelings for the beta of Stonepack just a little too late to stop them.
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Haha, thanks. Maybe one day I will.

*rubs eyes and does a double take* Woah... That's something I thought I'd never ever ever ever ever EVER see in my lifetime.
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I understand. Heh, since I'm writing this it might be a case of pot calling the kettle black, but I really do understand about all the animal stories. There's just... so many and it seems like some people on here avoid people stories like the plague *cough*Shadow*cough*Whispers*coughcough*

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