Horriable, Horriable Day

Oh, I am so sorry.
Molly is a cutie.
That's enough to make me steam like I'm sitting on a hot stove. I also have a neighbor, new at that, that has gotten mixed breed roaming chows. I know there's gonna be trouble there. So sorry for you misfortune.
I am very sorry for your loss. We just went through this about 3 weeks ago. My neighbors dog got out while he wasn't at home and broke into my shed and killed 8 of my 12 3 week old babies. We have only ever had 2 losses in 10 years and both were due to dogs. Very frustrating. I feel you pain.
So sorry too. I have neighbors who let their hunting dogs "train themselves" by running loose in the area. We are in a very rural part of NC. We lost several dozen chickens over 10 years from dogs. We finally had to run electric fencing around ouside of the pen. The chickens figured out not to touch it and I know it deterred a skunk and raccoon from trying the pen. It is a pretty low cost way to add a layer of protection. Again, very sorry about your loss.

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