Horse hair worms from Shrimp


6 Years
Mar 23, 2016
North Carolina
Question, can ducks or chickens get horse hair worms from freshwater shrimp?

I just got some ghost shrimp for my aquarium and one clearly has a rather large wormy in it. Theres apparently no way to cure it and itll likely die when it burst out. Soooo, I read the worms are harmless to humans and to livestock. Mainly infecting insects and shrimps. So could I kill two birds with one stone here and give it to my ducks? I'd assume that they've come across the worm in the insects they eat if its common.
Most parasites are family specific or at least species specific. Meaning that parasites that use birds for a host do not survive in mammals or vise versa or some parasites that use cows for a host won't live in humans.

This is obviously a generalization and there are exceptions to every rule, but if you know the species of parasite and literature assures you that it is harmless to birds, feed it to them.

Most animals have parasites. Most parasites do not seriously affect the health of their host unless they become too numerous. But there are some nasty bugs out there to avoid for sure.
Most parasites are family specific or at least species specific. Meaning that parasites that use birds for a host do not survive in mammals or vise versa or some parasites that use cows for a host won't live in humans.

This is obviously a generalization and there are exceptions to every rule, but if you know the species of parasite and literature assures you that it is harmless to birds, feed it to them.

Most animals have parasites. Most parasites do not seriously affect the health of their host unless they become too numerous. But there are some nasty bugs out there to avoid for sure.
Thank you, I just captured the little guys and gave them to my teenage chicks. They seemed to really enjoy them! And now I wont have to deal with the little shrimps slowly dying when the worm breaks out of them thankfully!
Thank you, I just captured the little guys and gave them to my teenage chicks. They seemed to really enjoy them! And now I wont have to deal with the little shrimps slowly dying when the worm breaks out of them thankfully!
We are wondering how to raise ghost shrimp for chicken food. We could probably raise lots of them in an outdoor tub because we live in Hawaii so should be warm enough. Algae grows easily in water pots here so could that be their food? I haven't been able to find any info about raising ghost shrimp--do you have any advice? We don't have acreage for chickens to free-range & want to feed them without grain chicken chow. Do the ghost shrimp multiply quickly? I am thinking we could scoop them out with a net & toss to the chickens. Not sure if we can raise enough shrimp to feed a few chickens. Thanks!
We are wondering how to raise ghost shrimp for chicken food. We could probably raise lots of them in an outdoor tub because we live in Hawaii so should be warm enough. Algae grows easily in water pots here so could that be their food? I haven't been able to find any info about raising ghost shrimp--do you have any advice? We don't have acreage for chickens to free-range & want to feed them without grain chicken chow. Do the ghost shrimp multiply quickly? I am thinking we could scoop them out with a net & toss to the chickens. Not sure if we can raise enough shrimp to feed a few chickens. Thanks!
We grow sakura shrimp in our watergarden, with a filtration system.
We got a metal farm feed trough, & don't plan on a filtration system (at this point). I will check out sakura shrimp before I order the ghost shrimp. Thanks!

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