Horse Roleplay!

Storm smiled and took a step back ," the herd is doing great!" He said, but a frown grew upon his face," at least it was untill this happened. I only hope sky can take care of them untill I escape ,"

Blizzard looked down at his hooves and a sad, defeated look came upon him," storm....I...I don't know how to tell you this but.., there's no way out of here. I've tried everything," he said solemnly

Storm looked around, it seemed as though his brother was right, but he wouldn't give up. He promised sky.
"No, no there has to be a way! Sky needs me! And....I need.. Her," he said sadly

Blizzard looked up at his brother and stamped his feet into the ground, he new how much storm loved sky, " brother, if you really think so.... Then I'm in! " He said, feeling determined

Storm looked his brother in the eyes and nodded...
Blizzard and storm stood in the gathering mass of horses, it seemed as if those men had managed to round up an entire herd, fifty at least if not more horses were inside the arena," Storm, have you found any place you think we could get out?!" Blizzard asked. Storm turned to his brother," No, not yet that is." He said, flicking his tail at a swarm of flies," i hope she stays with the herd. Oh sky, I will return," he promised himself
Poppy rolled her eyes. "Sheesh. The day is hardly begun and already those two are fighting. Some things never change."
" Tell me about it!" He replied with a chuckle

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