Horse Talk

Indie picked his job tonight lol this picture is of him doing some kind of awkward half sliding stop thing after chasing down a cow, I didn't know he had so much enthusiasm. I think he wants to be a cow horse.

And a couple more pictures of him just being cute

I'm going to see how close I can get Smoke to being a good reining horse..... He remembered how to neck reign AND ground tie last time I rode him. :eek: :yesss:
I'm just going to have to work on un -training the cue to spin that I've taught him.... He goes when I push with my leg and touch the bit to his mouth. :/

But he listens so well to the bit :love

AND I THINK HE AIDED IN THE DESTRUCTION OF A FOX THATS BEEN WREAKING HAVOC IN OUR WHOPE NEIGHBORHOOD TONIGHT. Dumb dog got my Brucie Wayne tonight whole we were at church. :mad: Found her carcass in the pasture - shoot now I year coyotes. -_-
Found her carcass, only the head and neck missing, still pretty fresh. :/ So either we got home before it could really dive in, or Dusty Butt chased it off. :yesss:

But dad shot it. TEN TIMES. :th DUMBEST FOX EVER.

But anywhoo, back to the topic of horses. :p
Probably a young fox that hadn't learned what threats people are (and now, never will!)

Indie picked his job tonight lol this picture is of him doing some kind of awkward half sliding stop thing after chasing down a cow, I didn't know he had so much enthusiasm. I think he wants to be a cow horse.

Lots of horses seem to like chasing things; I still laugh when I think about Syd helping me round up an escaped chicken. Fortunately, neither the horse nor the handler has to be very good at it for both to have fun doing it.:)
Probably a young fox that hadn't learned what threats people are (and now, never will!)

Lots of horses seem to like chasing things; I still laugh when I think about Syd helping me round up an escaped chicken. Fortunately, neither the horse nor the handler has to be very good at it for both to have fun doing it.:)
I have one I used to "cut" a 6 year old boy with. The boy would run and the horse would jog slowly behind him with his ears flat to his head and follow every move the kid made. Horse and kid both loved it. Don't know why that horse has to flatten his ears at everything he chases...
Lol, yeah, Jasmnine likes chasing cows, dogs, and birds, Indie likes chasing only cows, and June likes to chase/herd the cows, but only when I'm on her! Reno doesn't really like to do anything :lol: he's such a strange horse. Shows no interest in chasing stuff, hangs out alone instead of with the herd most of the time, doesn't like human attention, he's just a lone wolf. Although he's coming around to the human attention a little bit finally

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