Horse Talk

Check out this link. This shows quite a few of the horses (though not all to my frustration) that are on the Maryland side:

I saw a chestnut foal when we were there and I was trying to figure out which herd I was looking at, there are currently 4 foals, 2 are pintos which the one I saw was not, that leaves Mieke's Noe'lani - a filly or Sarah's SweetTea - a colt, as I didn't get close and they are all fluffy, I couldn't tell what gender the baby was, so I figured I would look up the dams of each and see if I had photos of either.... They say who the foal's dam is on each, but I cannot find photos of the dams on here at all.... frustrating to say the least... but, Sarah's SweetTea has the probable sire listed as Yankee who IS listed and I believe I have a photo of him in the herd with the baby, so I think I saw Sarah's SweetTea and Yankee's herd... though, the photo I took is from the other side of Yankee and he's in winter fluff in my photos and in summer coat in theirs, so it MAY not be him... wish they supplied more photos showing facial markings and both sides.... and all named horses...

One thing I found impressive though is that a mare I saw last year and again this year was born in 1988... she's 29, almost 30 years old (assuming a spring baby)... not too bad for a wild pony! I don't anticipate her living much longer though, she and her stallion were a 2 horse herd up near the bridge and he is the one that got hit by the car and killed, she looks a lot older this year than last year. If she's still there next year when I go back I will be surprised.

Oh wow that is frustrating they don't post every one!

That's still cool though to be able to see the horses and then look them up :)

And wow that's impressive she's lasted that long! There were a few born in the 90s too, like one was 95 and one was 94 or 96. Impressive.

But awww that's sad about the stallion! And about her. They were probably a herd for a while and she probably misses him? :(
Oh wow that is frustrating they don't post every one!

That's still cool though to be able to see the horses and then look them up :)

And wow that's impressive she's lasted that long! There were a few born in the 90s too, like one was 95 and one was 94 or 96. Impressive.

But awww that's sad about the stallion! And about her. They were probably a herd for a while and she probably misses him? :(
There is a FB page as well and they said that she screamed and cried for days after he died. It probably helped her actually that they left the body out rather than trying to bury him, she could go get closure. I have had to put 2 horses down and both times one of my horses was looking for the "missing" one and calmed when they got to see the body and understand what happened.
There is a FB page as well and they said that she screamed and cried for days after he died. It probably helped her actually that they left the body out rather than trying to bury him, she could go get closure. I have had to put 2 horses down and both times one of my horses was looking for the "missing" one and calmed when they got to see the body and understand what happened.
Horses and many other animals are so amazing and caring like that... It's really sad to watch though in my opinion.
There is a FB page as well and they said that she screamed and cried for days after he died. It probably helped her actually that they left the body out rather than trying to bury him, she could go get closure. I have had to put 2 horses down and both times one of my horses was looking for the "missing" one and calmed when they got to see the body and understand what happened.

Awwe that's so sad!! :hit

Horses and many other animals are so amazing and caring like that... It's really sad to watch though in my opinion.

Horses and many other animals are so amazing and caring like that... It's really sad to watch though in my opinion.
It is, it is interesting to see the difference in reactions though. In my herd which was 8 horses at the time of the first death, only 1 horse reacted to the missing one, the others didn't even seem to notice he was gone. That one died in the barn where the others couldn't see or smell the body, but Thunder was pacing the fence line and obviously upset, I caught him, took him in, he looked in the stall where Doodle was laying and just dropped his head and turned to go back outside with the others. Thunder was the other one to have to be put down, and Wings was looking for him, I took him over to where he was and almost got flattened a few times because Wings was up on his toes spooking really bad the entire way over there and just about ran me over, he never did sniff the body, but I got him to about 5 feet away and he relaxed a little bit and walked back to the field like he had a brain (not spooking but not relaxed either).
On the Maryland side, I think there are some on the VA side. There is also only one black on the Maryland side. I can't find it right now, but there is another site that shows all of the VA horses as well.

Oh yeah that's true. There's probably more. I'm surprised there's so many pintos too.

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