Horse Triplets. Hatching on 3/27

There are occasionally exceptions, but most bears aren't a fan of humans any more than humans are fans of bears. There's a sow somewhere in my woods that is a bit aggressive, but not enough to actually attack. She only bluffs.
Again, they usually clear out fast, and if they don't, just back away slowly and don't get in between them and their cubs.

Okay thanks for the tip!! Are you supposed to play dead? Or is that only if they attack you?

With her luck, she would climb the tree that the cubs are in.

Nahhh I know you’re not supposed to climb trees lol I’ve read that. Cause bears can climb so don’t do it. Although actually I think I read grizzlies can’t climb very well but black bears are great climbers?? But black bears are usually pretty shy and non aggressive.

There are occasionally exceptions, but most bears aren't a fan of humans any more than humans are fans of bears. There's a sow somewhere in my woods that is a bit aggressive, but not enough to actually attack. She only bluffs.

OMG that’s scary!! You have a bear in your woods!?

Now that would truly be a disaster.

I wouldn’t do that lol
I think that's just for grizzlies.

Ah okay. Thanks. Yeah. I think I’ve heard black bears you’re supposed to yell and scream and be mean cause they’re more timid. But I didn’t know if you were supposed to just drop the second you see a grizzley or wait till they attack you lol

Who doesn't have a bear in their woods? I haven't personally run into her. She doesn't make much trouble. Hasn't even gone after the chickens, but I did put up electric last year just to be safe.

Ummm... me!? Haha and oh that’s good!!

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