Horse Triplets. Hatching on 3/27

:lau when you add up all the neighbors woods it’s a lot more :lau but definitely not deep woods lol but you can walk from those into deeper ones and down to a pond a ways a way lol
Oooh. So rural. I'm talking about at least a full section of uncleared land here, not a few backyards mashed together. :lol:

Maybe you have a bear anyway. They're pretty adaptable.
Oooh. So rural. I'm talking about at least a full section of uncleared land here, not a few backyards mashed together. :lol:

Maybe you have a bear anyway. They're pretty adaptable.

Yeah, if you came here you would probably think it was so city like :lau I think it’s not compared to other parts of this state but probably is compared to you lol does take a while to walk through it though lol

:lau no bears lol well in some parts of the state. But not here. Just coyote, fox, turkey, deer, rabbit, squirrel, skunk, raccoon, chipmunk, mice, moles, voles, hawks, owls, seagulls, ospreys, egrets, geese, fisher cats, etc. etc. lol not all of those live on our property ha like we don’t have the last five directly on our property but really close by. And we have all the rest haha
Nahhh I know you’re not supposed to climb trees lol I’ve read that. Cause bears can climb so don’t do it. Although actually I think I read grizzlies can’t climb very well but black bears are great climbers?? But black bears are usually pretty shy and non aggressive.
There are more people killed by black bears than by grizzly bears.
Really. There is a much greater population of black bears than there are grizzly bears and the black bears live in much closer proximity to people than the few grizzly bears do.

Hmm that makes sense. I guess the close proximity definitely makes them more of a danger and of course idiots who get too close or whatever. But I thought overall grizzlies were a lot more aggressive??
Hmm that makes sense. I guess the close proximity definitely makes them more of a danger and of course idiots who get too close or whatever. But I thought overall grizzlies were a lot more aggressive??
Grizzly encounters only occur when people do not follow proper precautions when in grizzly habitat. Grizzly encounters are more likely to make national news because the most famous grizzly habitat is Yellowstone National Park.

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