Horse Triplets. Hatching on 3/27

Grizzly encounters only occur when people do not follow proper precautions when in grizzly habitat. Grizzly encounters are more likely to make national news because the most famous grizzly habitat is Yellowstone National Park.

Hmm that makes sense. I guess people probably here about a few and think it’s super common or something. But still, there are tons of them and they are nasty. And you can run into them hiking and such. Probably not even safe? Idk. Maybe mountain lions are a bigger threat? Those are really dangerous. But even bears, you can do everything right and there’s still been rogue bears, bad bears just wired differently, etc.
And more people are killed my cows than sharks, but the statistics would be very different if scuba divers regularly herded giant groups of them!

Exactly lol I guess it depends on the region of the world. Plenty of shark attacks. Never heard of a cow attack. Around here the sharks are returning because the seals are and we’ve had a few shark attacks the last few years and last year there was even a fatality for the first time in like 70 or 80 years here.
Exactly lol I guess it depends on the region of the world. Plenty of shark attacks. Never heard of a cow attack. Around here the sharks are returning because the seals are and we’ve had a few shark attacks the last few years and last year there was even a fatality for the first time in like 70 or 80 years here.
It happens a couple dozen times a year, so in pure numbers, cows are more dangerous than elevators (passenger fatalities only) and sharks combined.

I knew a vet that knew a client that got killed by a bull. It was a messy business.
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It happens a couple dozen times a year, so in pure numbers, cows are more dangerous than elevators (passenger fatalities only) and sharks combined.

I knew a vet that knew a client that got killed by a bull. It was a messy business.

Oh wow that is terrible!! I never would have guessed cows could be so dangerous but then again, bulls are really mean usually so it makes sense. And all those stupid bull riding and bull running things. Do those count towards the statistics?

And oh wow that is awful. Poor guy.
Oh wow that is terrible!! I never would have guessed cows could be so dangerous but then again, bulls are really mean usually so it makes sense. And all those stupid bull riding and bull running things. Do those count towards the statistics?

And oh wow that is awful. Poor guy.
Not sure. The source said most occured on ranches. It's dangerous work—they're not tame backyard cows. Plenty of them range their cattle out over hundreds of acres and bring them in only for branding/tagging/vaccinations. Handling a 1/2 ton beast that doesn't want to be handled is dangerous no matter how many precautions you take. Speaking generically, of course.
Not sure. The source said most occured on ranches. It's dangerous work—they're not tame backyard cows. Plenty of them range their cattle out over hundreds of acres and bring them in only for branding/tagging/vaccinations. Handling a 1/2 ton beast that doesn't want to be handled is dangerous no matter how many precautions you take. Speaking generically, of course.

Hmm that’s true. I didn’t think about ranching. They’re probably half feral/wild being out there alone all that time. Makes them more dangerous.
Why is this post at 87 pages?? Maybe it shoukd be closed and a chat room created?? Its just frustrating when the topic gets lost and it becomes someting only a few know whats going on.. Its far too much to catch up on.

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