Something VERY exciting happened with horses last night...

I couldn't fall asleep, it was 11:05 when I heard thunder. Halleluiah! But wait... That's not thunder, it's hoofbeats?!?! A whinny? I look out the window to see Patsy running the front fenceline. As I watch I see her gallop to the back, Franticlly calling for Pedro. I get out of bed and walk around the inside of the house. Still no sign of Pedro. I woke Parents up and explained the situation. We walked the perimeter of the property. We have an empty lot on one side, a ditch with a creek in it on the other. We have a gate with a lock and password on the front and hogwire on front and back. No signs of him on the empty lot. He's never been active enough to cross the ditch and anyway, he HATES water. We checked our back neighbor's property as Pedro has escaped by the pond that way before. Nothing. " Do you thing someone horsenapped him?" " How did they go through the gate? And anyway, why didn't they take Patsy?" Our other neighbors automatic light kept flashing on and off. Sister and Dad went to see if Pedro was there. Mom answers a phone call from Dad. " Thev'e got him. So he did escape from the ditch." Today I checked it out and the creek bed is dry. Oh well. At least we have horse jail. ( a small pasture ).

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