The thinness of the noseband and the knots on the sides make them much more “harsh” (for lack of a better word), but it is also easier to give your horse cues and communicate because there’s no metal buckle in between you and the horse. That’s the only reason I like them really, is better communication. I actually use ones with no knots on the sides, and thicker noseband.
Thanks for the info! Very helpful!!
Baby boy had this first show this weekend. Swept the first division with first place across the board. 😊

Thoughts on rope halters? Everything I’ve been reading says they’re better for groundwork cause they feel the pressure easier or something? And all the videos of the mustangs they seem to be wearing them. Like they seem to be all the rage with that and with horsemanship etc. but they seem like they would be harder to put on to me? But then again they don’t have parts to rust either so that’s good? But idk. Are they necessary? If I was to get a mustang or something needing starting or restarting etc. Or maybe I am just overthinking it lol
They're all I use.

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