Host a BYC Traveling Mascot!

I knew I had to keep him busy for another 4 hours. It is extremely exhausting harboring a fugitive.
The western style coop gave Beaker a great idea!! He decided to play cowboys and indians.



Then, with his little Beaker-sized bow, he decided since there was a rainy season, and a duck seson, and a wabbit season- there had to be a silkie season also.


Luckily, he didn't have any arrows.

I pawned him off on Mr Bizzy, who taught Beaker CB/Ham radio stuff. They kept themselves busy for quite some time

Beaker was trying to get a convoy to drive him somewhere far away because "The smokies are after me".
" Breaker 1-9 this here is the rubber duckie, you got a copy on me?"

While the boys kept entertained on the CB radio, I made a cake. Beaker thought it looked beautiful, but asked if there was a file in it.

Of course you can't have cake without ice cream. Beaker picked the biggest spoon he could find.


After all that sweet stuff, we needed to go for a walk. We headed down the road, and Beaker saw the Perdue sign. He ran back home and made a sign, then ran back to Purdue, stopping in the middle of the road to grab a snack- (a truck had spilled some grain):

Beaker stood by the Purdue sign, holding his little homemade sign up..

And a closeup of his little sign...

He really wanted to sneak into the hatchery and see all the baby chicks.
But then he noticed something- Ms. Donna's car all the way from NJ!! Beaker got scared, thinking he was going to go to jail. He ran and started climbing the fence, thinking he could make a great escape on a choo-choo.

Of course, that didn't work, but he managed to get past her and I, and ran into a cornfield.

We were calling for him, and calling. He really thought he was going to jail. Finally, Ms. Donna promised him she would call the judge and make sure he didn't have to go to jail. Then we saw him...

We bribed him out of the cornfield with little goldfish crackers. We had some fun( pictures to be posted later), and he is currently being extradited back to NJ
Fancy is back!

I am so impressed with all of ya'll as hosts for these mascots! Wow! What fun stories!! I can hardly wait for the next installment!!

I hear some of our mascots are soon to be entering their travel pods and heading for a new destination. May the adventures continue!
The rest of Fancy's 1st day with me at the Courthouse....
We met the Circuit Clerk Judy and Deputy Clerk Linda
Fancy told a joke and Judy helped her finish the punch line Linda laughed so hard her belly hurt...
Fancy tells wonderful jokes

We headed on back downstairs to the Sheriff's Office, Fancy was watching news on tv while I fixed lunch for the jail. Just as I came back in the office she asked me. "Does the Sheriff ever come out of his office? He has been standing in there ever since I got here>" I said Fancy the Sheriff isn't here he is out on Patrol... She asked "Well then who is standing in the corner of his office?"
I opened his office door and laughed , here Fancy let me introduce you to the Sheriff's Hero.....

John Wayne
Oh She laughed so hard when she saw the movie board cutout. "I love John Wayne, he made the best western movies, he is one of my Heroes too" She had to have her picture taken with John Wayne.

"Oh look at all the cool collection of Cowboy stuff, the Sheriff sure likes westerns." Yes he does Fancy.

Well Fancy I have some paperwork to finish, Yes she said I wanted to check the weather channell so we shut the door on the Sheriff's office. While I was busy with paperwork, I had radio traffic from the Chef Deputy and the Sheriff. Then my phone started ringing, and the other phone line too. After it got quite again... Fancy said "Oh My you get kinda busy here don't you?" Yes Fancy I feel like I'm chasing baby chickens sometimes.
"Well You need some help" Fancy said. Yes some days I really would like some.

Someone came in for some information So while I was getting their papers for them,Opps More Radio traffic,and then the Phone rang, Fancy says "I Will get it for you.

She took a message, she did very well and has a very pleasant phone voice too. Thank Miss Fancy.

Well I will continue this 1st day of Fancy later I must get to the Office. Fancy is staying here with DH to work around the Greenhouse.

Sat. evening I took Roscoe and Rosie to watch fireworks.
Roscoe liked the loud noises, but Rosie was scared. She hid underneath the blanket.







I am Taking a Coffee break(sshhh While it's quite) so I thought I would finish Fancy's 1st day with us.

After helping me with some phone calls and some filing, Fancy was watching CCN (Chicken Coop Network) while I washed the lunch dishes. When I came in I didn't see her, I thought maybe she went into the assembly room to the soda machine, Nope no there. Where could she be?? I looked in Sarah's office with the County Extension, No Fancy. So I come back to my office and I hear this mumbling chirpping noise.....
Open the Sheriff's Office door ...........

Poor dear, I think the travel and the eggcitment of the courthouse tour had finally caught up with her. So I let her rest till the evening Dispatcher came in and I could head home.

All loaded up and ready she was so refreshed from her nap.

As we pulled into the driveway she got soo eggcited. Looking at all the plants in front of the Greenhouse.

Fancy slow down, My goodness she is so fast. She was out looking at flowers before I could get my seatbelt undone.
She siad "I Love pink and purple they are soo pretty together.

Then she zipped over to the front fence. "oh look at your Holly hocks Wow"

Then to the Day lillies

"Oh I just Love flowers, this is so eggciting." So all the way to the house she had to stop and smell the flowers, needless to say that took a while.

I told Fancy that Vic (Dh) and I had to go shopping and asked if she wished to go along she declined sayin she was still a bit tired. I asked if she would like to watch a movie while we would be gone. "oh Yes that would be Nice" So she looked through a few of our movie selections.

2 1/2 hours later we came home and here is what we found

Fancy and our BarredRock babies were watching Chicken Little

They had a nice evening with Ms Fancy and thanked her before going to bed.

She then wished to turn in early herself. Good night Ms Fancy thanks for chick sitting


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