Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

It seems to be working, as the only reports of raccoons in Finland are from zoos.

Yesterday evening, the temperature above the pile was 15 degrees C. I just checked the thermometer, and it has climbed to a whopping 29 degrees inside the box. This with outside temperature being 12 degrees. The pile has sunken about 5 cm from yesterday, but it's still too full for any turning. Before adding all the bedding, there was a slight odor coming from the compost, so I think it might have been a bit nitrogen heavy. Now with the introduction of the mainly carbon containing peat and pine shavings, it seems to have been balanced quite nicely. I think I won't add any nitrogen for a while, I'll just keep it moist with water. My better half will be happy with this, as she thinks the neighbors might not find my method of fertilizing too appealing.

If the pile keeps sinking, I might still add a bit to it, but I think it's soon time to let it rest for a while before emptying it out in a month or so. I'm still waiting for proper rains to come so that I can collect all the worms this would flush out from hiding and add them to or near the compost depending on it's temperature.

As I'm writing this, I'm fully aware of the absurdity of being so mesmerized by decomposing organic matter, but I'm sure there are others out there who have discovered the joys of composting as well. Feel free to offer encouragement, or critique. Helpful (and less so) suggestions are always welcome too. Or you can just call me a weirdo.
Love your sense of humor. And I have learned a lot about composting.
My husband would be thrilled if I gave him free reign to pee into the composters, of course they are right next to the road, so it might not be appreciated by the neighbors...
How else is a guy going to establish his territory? My dad always keeps a coffee can in his shop. I've learned over the years never to sneak up on him if his back is turned! BTW: 1 qt. yogurt containers make wonderful "female" urinals. Indispensible to have on a camping triP! If anyone is into hay or straw bale gardening, this special nutrient is a must to get the nitrification process going to age the bale so it doesn't cook your seedlings. In a pinch, you could go to the store and spend some money to buy a bottle of pure, unscented ammonia, or you could use some granular high N fertilizer. But why buy a product when you have a free superior product available right at home?
How else is a guy going to establish his territory? My dad always keeps a coffee can in his shop. I've learned over the years never to sneak up on him if his back is turned! BTW: 1 qt. yogurt containers make wonderful "female" urinals. Indispensible to have on a camping triP! If anyone is into hay or straw bale gardening, this special nutrient is a must to get the nitrification process going to age the bale so it doesn't cook your seedlings. In a pinch, you could go to the store and spend some money to buy a bottle of pure, unscented ammonia, or you could use some granular high N fertilizer. But why buy a product when you have a free superior product available right at home?
And for all you ladies out there, check out a wonderful product called the She-Pee (I think that was what it was called). No more being jealous of how easy us guys have it.
Why buy a special appliance when you just have to eat a quart of yogurt??? Mother always said guys had the advantage when going on a picnic!
But what if you're lactose intolerant?

Another crazy invention I saw a commercial for, was some sort of golf club with a container in the shaft, so that you would not have to be ashamed of relieving yourself out in the woods anymore. Is there really a market for something like this?

Then for an compost update. We were away from home yesterday, so the compost went completely without maintenance. Today, it was a nice 35deg C in there (20 outside), but especially the right side was looking a bit dry. There was also a layer of white mold on top of the left side (the one that's not being added to anymore). I wet the compost a bit again, and turned the mold into the hotter mass. I threw one of those plastic compostable bags into the cooking side a few weeks ago, and I have been seeing it while turning, but now I think it has decomposed enough to break down completely.
But what if you're lactose intolerant? :p

Another crazy invention I saw a commercial for, was some sort of golf club with a container in the shaft, so that you would not have to be ashamed of relieving yourself out in the woods anymore. Is there really a market for something like this?

I sincerely hope not, especially since most guys don't seem to be all that shy about finding a tree, or shrub, or...
Gotta go eat some yogurt now, lol :D
The composting mass on the left side has broken up so much that I can easily turn even the bottom now. I found a dry patch with visible bedding in it on the bottom, added some moisture and gave it a good turning. The white mold keeps growing back on top of the pile every morning, there really is a lot of bacterial activity going on in there. It's crazy how it grows so quickly, it really covers the whole surface. The right side seems to be heating up slowly, definitely progress there too, but as I'm still adding to it daily, not as noticeable. Temperature was 35 this morning again.

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