Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

To my understanding it shouldn't do any damage, although it's water binding properties might create a need for more added moisture. Also, I don't know what the long term effects of adding zeolite to the soil would have. Sweet PDZ is basically what makes up 15% of laundry detergent, I'm not sure how much I'd want of that in my garden.

On the other hand, I don't have any experience with the product, as it is not sold here, so someone else might be able to answer you better.
To my understanding it shouldn't do any damage, although it's water binding properties might create a need for more added moisture. Also, I don't know what the long term effects of adding zeolite to the soil would have. Sweet PDZ is basically what makes up 15% of laundry detergent, I'm not sure how much I'd want of that in my garden.

On the other hand, I don't have any experience with the product, as it is not sold here, so someone else might be able to answer you better.
aart, zeolite, (the substance sweet PDZ is made of) is used as a water softener in most commercial laundry detergents.

I did a quick read on it and apparently it's biologically inert, so it shouldn't be an issue in compost, however it doesn't do any good there either.

*Edit* If I remember correctly, pool filters often use zeolite granules too. Interesting what kind of different uses a substance has.
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I think DE is used for some pool filters....

I guess I would just try not to use too much PDZ for the compost. I didn't know it was in detergent. I may have added a bit of DE in the coop also....cannot remember. But the small amount I used should not hurt if I don't add it again. Thnx
DE works similarly as PDZ, it's also used as a stall freshener. Personally I would not use it inside the coop though, due to the risks involved with breathing in the dust, but I don't think it would hurt too much in compost. We do sometimes add a bit of DE in the run, under their roosts to bind moisture if it's been raining a lot. The chickens don't dust bathe in that spot, so I see it as a minimal risk, and there's usually a good layer of bedding on top of it.
Zeolite absorbs ammonia.
Exactly how, chemically, I'm not sure.

What I wonder is if and how it might release it, beneficially or not.

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