Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

We had to look it up and they are indeed spider mites. We've got a plan to eradicate them. I'm thinking that getting the compost to a high cooking heat will take care of it.

Try this link for the indoor plant: (Can't see how you'd be too successful establishing ladybugs inside.)

I'm surprised that spider mites are in your compost as they are sap-sucking creatures (members of the spider family). In general, they don't like wet conditions so flooding the compost should help eradicate them.

Several seasons back I swore off bringing in outside plants to overwinter inside the house because the plants bring in way too many unwanted hitchhikers. For the same reason I won't use any outside soil or compost inside. The growing conditions indoors are like answering the bugs' most fervent prayers for a congenial location to grow & multiply. I will bring plants into the (unheated) garage however.
Good luck!
No spider mites for me either, thank you.

Weather's cooled a bit, it had been down to about -10C in the night, and was back up to -5C this morning. Compost was going strong at +20C. Still doesn't look like much action on the right side, aside from a bit of sprouting (!) in there. I really need to get it to cook. Can't leave any grains and peas in there that will still be viable...

I also added some secret ingredient again this morning.
If you really wanted to use your compost inside I have heard of baking soil to kill beasties.......but wouldn't that kill good things, too? Hmmm.....wonder what they do to commercial compost and humus. Well, I may not want to know.
Well there is no way in heck that the wife will let me put any kind of soil in the oven. That sort of thing ranks right up there with asking to save the days production of secret ingredient in a gallon jug for application later.


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