House cleaning oncechickens have moved out.


In the Brooder
Jul 29, 2015
Can someone tell me the best way to clean a room where you had raised baby chicks in and its loaded with dust etc. I have bedding, kids toys etc and want to make sure all is clean before grandkids go back in and play in that room. Do I need to remove the carpet?
IMO just clean like a spring cleaning, dust everything, wash what you can and vacuum the rug. For the kid toys - same idea, wash what is washable, toss the rest.

The dust made by brooding baby chicks is just dust.
Thank you so much. I want to replace carpet but not right nw. LOL I got ride f all stuffed animals and washed everything else. Going to clean carpets and think I should be good then. They were in the room for 3 months. you think I will still be ok? Thank you again
Thank you so much. I want to replace carpet but not right nw. LOL I got ride f all stuffed animals and washed everything else. Going to clean carpets and think I should be good then. They were in the room for 3 months. you think I will still be ok? Thank you again
IMO, that will be enough. They should not carry diseases humans can get, just make a dusty mess. LOL

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