House Hens


5 Years
Apr 20, 2019
AR - OZARK Mountains
More and more I am seeing references to a chicken living in the house like a pet. So I have a couple of questions for those of you that have House Hens.

1) How do you manage/handle their waste?

2) With all the hand washing recommendations after handling poultry, how do you manage keeping your home sanitized when your hen has free reign of the house?

I am sure I will think of more questions down the road, but these are the two that come to mind.
More and more I am seeing references to a chicken living in the house like a pet. So I have a couple of questions for those of you that have House Hens.

1) How do you manage/handle their waste?

2) With all the hand washing recommendations after handling poultry, how do you manage keeping your home sanitized when your hen has free reign of the house?

I am sure I will think of more questions down the road, but these are the two that come to mind.
Good questions. I love my chickens, but I'm a germaphobe, :barnieso the only time they are in the house is the first week or two of brooding, then off to a heated garage room. No free range. That being said, we do let our cats and dog in and they can be pretty messy! The cats have free range of the forest :weeand there is no telling what they might come in with, or what will be on them. LOL I'm sure it's not anything like salmonella. :sick
Good questions. I love my chickens, but I'm a germaphobe, :barnieso the only time they are in the house is the first week or two of brooding, then off to a heated garage room. No free range. That being said, we do let our cats and dog in and they can be pretty messy! The cats have free range of the forest :weeand there is no telling what they might come in with, or what will be on them. LOL I'm sure it's not anything like salmonella. :sick

My cat is indoors only but I have two dogs. They mostly don't bring in too much of a mess unless it is muddy out. If muddy and/or raining, my hubby wipes their legs and feet down with a towel (their backs and everything if raining).

I am a germaphobe as well so I am petrified of salmonella! :sick
I do!

Normally I’ll just take one in to “hangout with.”

I’ve also had chickens live inside with me for months at a time, but this was only because they were injured ect.

As for waste, I’ll only let them on the hardwood so it’s easy to clean or I’ll put a diaper on them.

After bringing them back out, I wipe everything down with Lysol.
Custom-made chicken diapers (with little disposable poo pockets). I ain't even lying. Not ME, mind you, but if you're on Facebook, I think there's a group called something like The House Chicken Lady.

Mine venture inside when I'm not paying attention. Particularly the kitchen, which is like chicken paradise.

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